Formal consultation - HE employers' proposals on pay and working conditions and USS
17 April 2023
Results of the formal consultation seeking members' views on the proposals from our employers on pay, casualisation, workloads, and equality pay gaps, and on USS pensions. The consultation opened on Tuesday 4 April 2023 and closed on Monday 17 April 2023.
Total number of members voting across all surveys: 35,338
Do you wish to NOTE or REJECT the proposals agreed between the joint trade unions and UCEA at Acas? **
Combined result Note: 44% Reject: 56% |
Members in both disputes (mostly pre-92 universities*) Note: 43% Reject: 57% | |
Pay and working conditions dispute only members (mostly post-92 universities*) Note: 47% Reject: 53% |
Number of branches surveyed:
61 in both USS and JNCHES
94 in JNCHES only
Do you wish to NOTE or REJECT continuing joint work with UUK? **
Combined result Note: 85% Reject: 15% | |
Members in both disputes Note: 85% Reject: 15% | |
USS pensions dispute only members Note: 87% Reject: 13% |
Number of branches surveyed:
61 in both USS and JNCHES
5 in USS only
* These categories encompass almost all pre- and post-92 universities. All pre-92 universities are in the USS pensions dispute but there are a handful which are not in JNCHES. There are two post-92 institutions which are also in USS.
** The consultation questions and the options ('note' and 'reject') were determined by the elected representatives of UCU's higher education committee (HEC).
Pay and working conditions consultation
On pay, casualisation, workloads and equality pay gaps please read:
- the joint statement by Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) and the joint trade unions covering a review of the UK HE pay spine, workload, contract types and equality pay gaps
- the terms of reference for the joint negotiating committee for higher education staff (JNCHES) pay spine review
- the terms of reference for the JNCHES pay gaps review
- the terms of reference for the JNCHES contract types review
- the terms of reference for the JNCHES workload review.
- the New JNCHES trade union side statement which makes clear that if members voted to proceed with these negotiations that we would not be agreeing to the cessation of industrial action for the next twelve months.
Reports and recommendations
On pay, casualisation, workloads and equality pay gaps:
- background to and explanation of the consultation questions including higher education committee (HEC) recommendations
- a report from the lead lay negotiator at Acas
- a report from the majority of negotiators and alternates involved in New JNCHES negotiations prior to Acas.
The higher education committee (HEC) recommend that members reject the UCEA proposals.
USS pensions consultation
On USS pensions please read:
- the joint statement on Universities UK (UUK) and UCU collaboration toward USS benefit restoration.
Reports and recommendations
On USS pensions please read:
- background to and explanation of the consultation questions including HEC recommendations
- a report from the majority of elected negotiators and alternates
- a report from a minority of elected negotiators and alternates.
The higher education committee (HEC) recommend that members note the continuing joint work with UUK.
After the consultation
Results were shared with the higher education committee, reps and members after consultations closed on Monday 17 April. There was a special HE sector conference (SHESC) on Wednesday 19 April 2023 where delegates from all branches voted on the next steps in our disputes.
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