Higher education industrial action ballot results
24 October 2022
Results of the #ucuRISING industrial action ballots over USS, and pay & conditions which closed on 21 October 2022.
Pay and conditions
National pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [276kb]
Northern Ireland pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [257kb]
Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of strike action?
Yes: 81.14%
No: 18.86%
Turnout: 57.71%
Northern Ireland*
Yes: 78.99%
No: 21.01%
Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of action short of strike action (which for this purpose is defined to include overtime and call-out bans)?
Yes: 88.75%
No: 11.25%
Turnout: 57.71%
Northern Ireland*
Yes: 89.90%
No: 10.10%
National USS ballot scrutineer's report [258kb]
Northern Ireland USS ballot scrutineer's report [257kb]
Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of strike action?
Yes: 84.88%
No: 15.12%
Turnout: 60.23%
Northern Ireland*
Yes: 81.36%
No: 18.64%
Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of action short of strike action (which for this purpose is defined to include overtime and call-out bans)?
Yes: 90.14%
No: 9.86%
Turnout: 60.23%
Northern Ireland*
Yes: 90.57%
No: 9.43%
*Great Britain and Northern Ireland have different legislation and different Codes of Practice in relation to industrial action and ballots.
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