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Peter Evans (Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College)

25 January 2024

Election address


About Peter 

Business Lecturer, Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College 

Vice Chair West London College UCU 

NEC Member 

Chair UCU LGBT+ Committee 

Member UCU Equality Committee 

Member UCU International Working Group 

FE Chair, UCU London Region 

Member of Vauxhall CLP 

Founding Member of Stonewall 

UGT Equality Officer - Barcelona Works Committee. 

Deputy Chair of Unite London & Eastern Regional LGBT Committee. 

UCU Left Member 

What I stand for 


  • Bringing UCU closer to the local membership.  This means supporting rank-and-file organising, building elected strike committees and implementing Congress decisions. 
  • Achieving delegate entitlement for Equality Standing Committees to Congress, giving greater prominence to the equality issues. 
  • Building local support between FE and HE branches where we can work together in  UCU Rising and Respect FE struggles. 

Workers' rights 

  • Defend pay, pensions and working conditions. 
  • Abolish zero-hours contracts and end casualisation. 
  • Reduce excessive workloads. 
  • End the gender and race pay gap. 
  • Repeal all anti-union laws.  Defend the right to strike. 


  • Resist mergers and course closures that deny future generations access to post-16 education. 
  • Defend academic freedom. 
  • Challenge marketisation of education. 
  • Campaign for better funding of post-16 education. 

I teach refugees, and as the son of an Irish immigrant mother, who faced 'No blacks, no dogs, no Irish', with doors slammed in her face, I am proud to say refugees are welcome here! 


  • Fighting all structural oppressions - of race, age, gender, disability, sex and sexual orientation.  
  • Tackling deprivation and disadvantage in colleges and universities. 
  • Resist the attacks on Black academia. 
  • Ensuring equality is at the heart of UCU's bargaining agenda. 


  • Covid is still here.  UCU needs to support members who have Long Covid and support measures to ensure safety in the workplace.  We must hold politicians to account for their failures in the pandemic. 
  • UCU members educate many health professionals.  We must support campaigns for better funding of NHS and social care. 
  • As a prostate cancer survivor, I'm active in promoting screening and campaigns for shorter waiting time for diagnosis and treatment. 
  • HIV testing in hospital must be rolled out, PrEP must be made easily and freely available. 


As a member of UCU's International Working Group, I work to: 

  • Stop the state-sanctioned murder of LGBTQ+ people around the world. 
  • Stand in solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance to occupation and struggle for a Palestinian state. 
  • Support workers in Ukraine in resistance to invasion and the struggle for a social Ukraine 

Thank you for considering voting for me, together we can continue the fight for education and workers' rights, against imperialism and colonialism and the struggle for equality and diversity within UCU and the education sector.   

I'm supporting Saira Wiener for GS and UCU Left candidates for NEC. 

Last updated: 25 January 2024