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Dr Steve Sangwine (Eastern and Home Counties retired members' branch)

25 January 2024

Election address

Immediate past Honorary Treasurer

UCU exists to defend and improve the working conditions and employment rights of our members and for this we need a union with secure assets and strong finances.  To ensure that we can continue to deliver for our members we need skilled and experienced leaders who understand the complexity of running a large organisation - I have those skills, and working as your elected representative at branch and national level I have gained that vital experience.

As your Honorary Treasurer from 2017-2023 I gained an in-depth knowledge of the union's finances, and, if elected as a Trustee, I will be able to use that knowledge to watch over the finances and assets. Trustees don't have a vote, nor any significant powers, but their role is important in holding UCU's assets, and asking questions about the finances. They also have a duty to speak up if anything is proposed that would risk the union's assets or financial stability.

As an NEC member for six years, I gained a lot of insight into how UCU works at national level that I did not have as a branch officer. As Honorary Treasurer I was one of the five national officers, and working in the officer team with the current and previous General Secretary, and the senior staff, I learned more about UCU than I knew as an NEC member. All of this is invaluable background for a Trustee.

I have done front-line work in running branch campaigns, negotiating with the employer, and representing individual members through casework in a wide range of circumstances. I have a solid Trade Union background in the day to day work of a union - this is essential knowledge for national office.

I am not a member of any political party (mainstream or otherwise).

Employment (retired 2021): Senior Lecturer, University of Essex 2001-2021; Lecturer, University of Reading 1985-2000. Member of AUT/UCU since 1985. I taught electronics; and researched in image processing and computational mathematics.

National service: Honorary Treasurer 2017-2023.

Member of the NEC 2010-2016.

I served on the Legal Support Review Panel, Education Committee, the Stress and Bullying Working Group, and the National Council of TSN (now Education Support).

Branch service:

University of Essex:Vice-President (2005-2008), President (2008-2010 and 2014-2015).

University of Reading: Secretary (1995-1997), President (1997-1999).

I am supporting Dr Jo Grady for re-election as General Secretary, and David Hunter for Vice-President. As your Treasurer I worked with Jo for four years. The role is very demanding, wide-ranging, and above all, tough. Jo has achieved results for our members across both sectors. David is an experienced branch officer at City College Norwich, and understands the issues important to members.

Last updated: 25 January 2024