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Marian Mayer (Bournemouth University)

25 January 2024

Election address

My name is Marian Mayer, I am asking you to vote for me as NEC representative for women members.  Working in Bournemouth University for almost 20 years, currently as a Principle Lecturer in Learning Development, I have witnessed the ways in which those who identify as women daily experience discrimination. Far too often it falls to union representatives to protect women from ongoing discrimination, with many workplaces failing to prevent gender based violence. Succeeding in casework alone is not enough.  Whilst we can achieve significant benefits for individual members, for example flexible working, carers leave, and reasonable adjustments, case-by-case work could, and should be translated into national action and policies

As a member of my branch's executive committee I have served as the Equality Officer. In that capacity I ensured that the Equality Act 2010 was at the forefront of all of the work done by my university's Diversity and Equality and Health and Safety committees. It is unacceptable to reflect that, 13 years since the act was passed, we have made such little progress on women's rights.  Our union is in a position to effect significant improvements for women; we have done much but there is more to do, especially to end the pernicious gender pay gap, which remains a scourge of post 16 education work places. The equal pay act passed in 1970 must be enforced across all of our sectors.  In my own institution I was instrumental in establishing an equal pay review group, the work of which aims to tackle the gender pay gap.  

My current UCU roles include:

·     National Pay Negotiator

·     Vice Chair, Bournemouth University UCU and Health and Safety officer.

·     Southern Region co-secretary

During my service on the Southern Region committee, and in past years on the NEC, I have heard and read many reports detailing the woeful of experiences of women working in FE, from onerous OFSTED inspections to inadequate protection from gender based abused and violence and, again a gender pay gap, all of which our union must do more to tackle. 

At branch level I have led in negotiating numerous policies which directly benefit women members, including: a Menopause policy, Home and Mobile Working, and Sexual Misconduct. As a union we must do the same, and more of this work nationally

I am asking for your vote so that I can represent the interests of and work for women in the NEC.

Our union needs a leadership that reflects its wide membership, not only the needs of HE, as has been the case for too long. I am voting for Vicky Blake as General Secretary because I believe she will deliver much-needed democratic leadership for all UCU members.

Last updated: 25 January 2024