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Stephen A.J. Desmond (Solent University)

25 January 2024


Election address

Election Address of Stephen Desmond, Branch Chair Southampton Solent University

Hi Folks— 

Sending you all of my best wishes because we have banded together in solidarity over the past years to try to secure a fair pay deal and a fair deal on working conditions across our sector. We have so much to be proud of: our resolve and fortitude as a Union, our University Colleagues and our fine students. 

I am the Branch Chair for Solent University, and share my Branch committee with so many wonderful Branch Officers. I send them my deepest gratitude. 

I am running for a seat on the NEC of UCU (UK-elected member of the NEC). I would be extremely grateful for your vote. 

I am a Senior Lecturer in Film at Solent University. I have twice-served on the NEC of UCU in previous years and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was able to make a solid contribution. I am a former Chair of the UCU LGBT+ Standing Committee. I have twice-served as UCU's Representative on the TUC LGBT+ Committee. I have been a UCU Branch Rep. for over 20-years, and am known for rigorously representing members with every passionate fibre of my being. When defending members in grievance or disciplinary proceedings I have never lost a case. As a long-standing Trade Unionist, I see my first role is always to protect and support colleagues. 

Outside of UCU, I am a Trustee of the National charity 'Reconnect' which supports refugee-teachers into HE in the UK. I am very proud of the work we do. 

As a documentary-filmmaker I am also a member of the NUJ and hold a Press Card issued by the Police Officers of England and Wales. 

I am a centre-left Labour Party voter. I am therefore a political-moderate dedicated to the advancement of working-people. That is what I believe in with all my heart. 

If elected again onto the NEC I will be a strong voice for: 

--better wages, and conditions for all lecturers working in HE and FE. 

--fairer workloads for lecturers

--democracy, accountability and transparency within our Trade Union 

--comradeship and building-bridges in our Union. 

--equal opportunities in our society and within our Union, for all members, including all minority groups. 

--all forms of anti-discrimination  

--international justice, self-determination, anti-colonialism, and anti- exploitation of all peoples. 

I ask for your vote. I ask for your trust. I will work tirelessly for you with everything I have at my disposal. I will be a strong voice, a good listener, and I promise you I will do my best for you everytime.

My bio:

Peace and love,

Steve Desmond.

Branch Chair,

Solent University.

Last updated: 25 January 2024