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Bruno Ferreira (Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College)

25 January 2024

Election address

I am honoured to stand for election to the NEC with 17 years' experience in the Further Education sector as a Lecturer. I am currently Chair at West London College and have navigated through the myriad of challenges that confront us daily: pay negotiations, staff morale and wellbeing, observation policy and workload. I have learnt the value of persistence; while we may not win every major battle, small victories can pave the way for substantial gains for our members.  

Fair Pay and Conditions: 

As your representative, I am committed to fighting for fair pay and better working conditions in FE given my experience in negotiating for our members who, as Lecturers, earn 25% less than school teachers. I will tirelessly work to ensure our members' hard work and dedication are rightly recognised with just rewards and transparent pay structures, empowering educators to thrive in their roles.  

Tackling Casualisation: 

I am committed to combating casualisation, I've personally negotiated the conversion of HPL contracts to permanent ones and my focus is on promoting job security and stability, ensuring a supportive and secure working environment.  

Diversity and Inclusion: 

I am dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion, actively working to remove barriers for underrepresented groups. A diverse and inclusive learning environment enriches our academic community by embracing its varied talent and potential.  

Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health: 

We must prioritise our members' mental health and wellbeing, and I am currently negotiating a new workload deal with Senior Management. My goal is to advocate for robust support systems that enable our members to excel and foster a positive, nurturing learning environment. 

Professional Development: 

I will strive to create opportunities for meaningful professional development. Access to training, resources, and career advancement opportunities is vital in nurturing a skilled and motivated teaching and support workforce.  

Unity and Solidarity: 

I am committed to strengthening unity among FE members, encouraging collaboration and a collective voice while recognizing the diversity of local contexts. My approach is pragmatic and strategic, steering clear of a 'one-size-fits-all' approach, but I remain steadfast in advocating for the rights and well-being of our members nationwide. 

I am delighted to be on the same platform as Jo Grady and David Hunter who are outstanding choices for General Secretary and Vice-President. Grady's deep knowledge of academia, strong advocacy for educators, and commitment to improving working conditions and equality, demonstrate her leadership abilities. Hunter's vast union experience and dedication to member engagement perfectly complement Grady's skills. Together, they form a forward-thinking team, well-equipped to tackle the challenges facing UCU members and drive positive change. 

To see who else is committed to this, visit 

Let us collaboratively forge a resilient and empowered future for everyone.  

Last updated: 25 January 2024