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Christina Jessika Marie Paine (London Metropolitan University)

25 January 2024


Election address

Lecturer in Music London Metropolitan University 

University of London PhD Student  

Vice-chair of London Region HE Committee, Anti-casualisation rep 

Member of UCU DMSC and WMSC Committees 

UCU delegate at Disabled and Women's TUC conferences 

Former HE NEC Casualised Members Rep 2016-2020 

Former Vice-Chair for Anti casualisation and Women members' Standing Committees. 

Member of UCU Left  

In 2022-23, I led strike action, and MAB while rebuilding London Metropolitan UCU branch, pushing claims on workload, proper assimilation to fractional posts, job evaluation, and pay for casualised lecturers.

In 2016-17 at London Met, I was instrumental as our branch fought repeated restructuring crises; the Save the Cass Art School campaign; to end precarious work, for safe workloads; against workplace stress, for disability rights, ending institutional racism, menopause adjustments, and maternity pay for casualised workers. 

Nationally, I have pioneered with UCU's work on anti-casualisation; migrants and against racism, shared parental leave, maternity pay, sexual and domestic violence, the 'safe sex' work statement, the REF for women's committee; and embedding safe workloads, casualisation and equality in national disputes. 

With other unions and in the media, I have brought significant publicity to Anti-casualisation, Disability, and Women's Rights.

Across all sectors, we face:

·     A 'cost of living' crisis and declining pay and pensions 

·     Insecure jobs 

·     Progression stifled 

·     Impossible workloads 

·     Micromanagement by employers 

·     Structural inequalities worsening. 

We have seen thousands of members on picket lines across the union fighting for change. 

Equality is at the heart of everything I stand for. I am casualised, disabled, female lecturer. I have fought tirelessly for an end to casualisation of work and workers; equality, and for decent 'inflation-beating' pay. I support meaningful action to tackle the climate emergency, international solidarity and the creation of a Palestinian state. 

If elected, I will campaign: ​ 

·     To repeal all anti-union laws;  

·     For a democratic worker-led, grass-roots union structure; always acting upon the will of members and the sovereignty of Congress 

·     For UK-wide action on our disputes and to address the crisis in casualised research contracts 

·     To bring post-92 issue, notably TPS pensions prominently into the Union's work 

·     To defend academic freedom and resist marketisation in education 

·     For community and support structures, shared parental leave, menopause adjustments, gender recognition, maternity pay for casualised staff and closure of all unfair pay gaps

·     Ending sexual harassment and domestic violence 

·     For disabled members' rights 

·     For progression, secure work for all black members and an end to all scapegoating of refugees and migrants 

I am a committed trade unionist, with a strong track record as a branch and regional activist and past NEC service.  I believe that my past service shows that I could make a valuable contribution to UCU as an NEC member.

Last updated: 25 January 2024