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Third GS candidate email from Jo Grady

1 February 2024

Dear colleague


Emails, posters, videos, and social media commentary. There is a lot to consider during the general secretary election. It can be confusing, and I understand that when you are already overworked, it can make you switch off.

But this is your union, and the people you elect make decisions on your behalf that affect your working lives. Whether it is watching a hustings, or having a conversation with a UCU member about voting, it will be time well spent.

I want to give you everything you need before asking you to support my campaign for re-election.

My manifesto is coherent, detailed and deliverable. It's based on my on-the-job experience from the last 5 years.

To build on our USS victory, I know we need a re-set to win in higher education, not just on pay, but the other problems that are unfolding. That's why I have produced an industrial strategy for HE.

I've spent the last five years helping raise the profile of further education, and rebuilding our industrial strength. I outline what we need to do next in this FE strategy document (co-authored by the outstanding VP candidate David Hunter) to achieve meaningful national bargaining.

I continually update the FAQ section of my website, where I post answers to questions I have received from members. Workload is an issue that comes up frequently and I have set out how we will address unsustainable workloads. Other new topics include tackling casualisation, USS, and how we deal with internal conflict.

Today from 12 to 1:30pm, we have the national UCU hustings. I would encourage every UCU member to attend or watch back afterwards. You can also watch back hustings by Loughborough and Southampton.

The longer the campaign goes on, the clearer the choices become. The only barrier to delivering a union for the members is low election turnout.

Don't let anyone else speak for you or your colleagues. Let's get the vote out.

Vote Jo Grady #1

Vote David Hunter for VP #1

Vote our full platform in the NEC elections.

We can do this.

Jo Grady

UCU General Secretary

Last updated: 1 February 2024