UCU response to Employment Rights Bill
10 October 2024
UCU has today (Thursday 10 September) welcomed the publication of the Employment Rights Bill, as the start of vital changes to workers' rights in the UK and essential partnership between businesses, trade unions and working people.
UCU general secretary Jo Grady said, 'with one in five UK businesses reporting staff shortages, the vital importance of reversing years of damaging Tory attacks on worker's rights, and the critical role that further education and higher education have to play in plugging the skills gap is laid bare.
'An end to exploitative zero-hour contracts and unscrupulous fire and rehire practices is long overdue, and rights to protections from unfair dismissal, and rights to flexible working, bereavement, paternity and parental leave from day one are all necessary to boost productivity and growth. But we need to see more pernicious forms of exploitation - seen in universities with postgraduate researchers being denied important terms and conditions - addressed too.
'UCU and the trade union movement will continue to hold Labour to account and ensure that Tory practices do not remain. Whilst it is good to see commitment for an improved offer for workers during working life, if student tuition fees and student debt continues to increase at the very start of working life, at the same time as retired worker's pensions are being more heavily taxed at the end of working life, there are crucial parts of the solution missing.'
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