Example of a redeployment procedure
28 October 2008
The redeployment procedure policy is operated alongside the university's collective agreement on the use of fixed term contracts and the statutory redundancy procedures or agreed redundancy procedures. It is not intended to replace those policies and does not affect the rights of an individual to appeal against any redundancy or dismissal proceedings.
You can download the full text of this redeployment procedure here. [125kb].
1 Introduction
1.0 The university is committed to protecting the security of employment for its staff as far as is possible. It is therefore essential that a clearly understood practical redeployment policy is in place which enables staff to be redeployed to suitable posts within the university.
1.1 The university undertakes to develop and implement a structured redeployment policy including a positive approach to re-training with individual training needs being assessed and active help and support provided.
1.2 There may be a number of situations where staff are seeking to be re-deployed:
- when the job they are currently doing is no longer required and there is no suitable alternative employment
- when part of the job is no longer required (i.e. 25% or more of the post)
- when, due to medical reasons, they are unable to continue in their present post
- when one or a series of fixed term contracts is coming to an end and there is no suitable alternative employment
- another substantial reason that puts their employment at risk.
1.3 All staff in the situations outlined at 1.2 above will have the opportunity to be entered onto the University's redeployment register will a view to seeking an alternative post. However, the register is not for members of staff who do not fall into one of the situations outlined in 1.2 who are seeking a new job or change of career.
1.4 Where the need arises, the University will ensure that full consultation and communications will take place with staff both collectively and individually and with Trade Unions at the earliest opportunity. Consultation with the individual would usually be at least 4 months before any change takes place and as soon as is possible for those staff who due to medical reasons are unable to continue in their present post.
1.5 The University recognises that redeployment constitutes a change to an individual's contractual terms of employment and therefore cannot be implemented without his or her consent.
2 Principles
2.0 When dealing with an issue of redeployment the following principles should be followed:
- staff and their representatives have the right to be involved at the earliest opportunity in decisions which may affect them
- staff have the right to have their wishes and preferences taken into consideration
- insofar as is practicable staff will be encouraged and supported in doing any relevant training, reorientation or having other development needs met with the aim of assisting staff to remain employed at the university. Once staff are on the redeployment register they should be allowed reasonable paid time off for retraining from their existing post
- staff will be offered counselling through the University counselling service should they require it
- where appropriate career counselling / advice will be offered.
3 Definitions
3.0 Redeployee
Member of staff on the redeployment register
3.1 Suitable vacancies
Suitable vacancies are those where the skills and knowledge sought to fill the vacancy match the skills and knowledge of the redeployee with or without further training. In assessing whether or not a vacancy is suitable a number of factors will need to be taken into account including:
- nature of the job
- status of the job
- qualifications and skills needed and those of the redeployee
- hours - how and when
- location and accessibility
- personal circumstances
- career prospects of the redeployee
- interests of the redeployee
- aspirations of the redeployee.
3.2 Prior consideration for a vacancy
Prior consideration for a vacancy means being considered prior to the post being advertised or alternatively prior to the normal selection process.
3.3 Redeployment register
This is a register held by personnel for staff who need to be redeployed. The eligibility criteria are shown in section 1.2.
3.4 Formal Restructuring
Formal restructuring is a restructuring exercise that is agreed in advance with personnel and one where full consultation with the relevant trade unions takes place prior to and during the restructuring exercise.
4. General approach
4.1 The redeployment register will be coordinated by personnel ,ie central records and monitoring of who is on the register and their general progress. It will be funded centrally.
4.2 Once staff have been placed on the redeployment register the appropriate personnel advisor will take responsibility for managing the process of redeployment for that individual.
4.3 Each staff member who is placed on the redeployment register will be interviewed by the appropriate personnel advisor. The purpose of this interview is to establish a full skills profile of the individual, any training needs, and the categories and types of jobs that are likely to be suitable. A skills analysis form should be completed in all circumstances and, if appropriate, a CV.
4.4 Personnel advisors will take a pro-active role in trying to secure suitable alternative employment for staff on the redeployment register by:
- maintaining a website with details of current ring fenced vacancies and job specifications
- regular liaison with the recruitment service, heads of department and personnel colleagues to try and determine any suitable vacancies
- advising the head of department of any applicants for vacant posts from the redeployment register
- maintaining regular contact with staff on the register providing any necessary support and guidance
- holding a formal review meeting once per month, or sooner if appropriate, to assess the current position.
4.5 Staff placed on the redeployment register will be granted appropriate paid time off for the purpose of attending job interviews with external employers.
5. The Filling of Posts
5.1 Initially all relevant vacant posts will be ring fenced for 7 days.
5.2 Personnel will check whether there is a potential match on the redeployment register. This will involve continuous liaison with the recruitment service if there is a potential match the personnel advisor will inform the member of staff both verbally and/or in writing of the match and ask them to consider the post.
5.3 Individuals on the redeployment register can also access the list of ring fenced vacancies through a secure webpage, or can request written details from personnel if they do not have regular access to the website.
5.4 A suitable match will usually be at the same grade, and where appropriate shift patterns with consideration given to personal circumstances, location etc. as their most recent previous post.
5.5 Departments with vacant posts will give prior consideration to staff on the redeployment register BEFORE considering other applicants. Prior consideration involves considering the member of staff against the person specification for the vacant post. In order for a match to be established the staff member must normally meet most of (approx 75%) the essential criteria for the post. Appropriate training can be given if required.
5.6 Once a match has been established then the individual(s) will be offered an interview prior to any other candidates (except for other redeployees). This may take place after a suitable trial period.
5.7 If a person proves suitable at interview then they should be offered the post.
5.8 The person is deemed unsuitable at interview the individual and personnel advisor should be informed, in writing, of the decision and the full reasons for the decision not to appoint. This will assist the individual and enable the personnel advisor to support the staff member in future applications.
5.9 The redeployee has the right to appeal against a decision not to appoint. The appeal process will be subject to agreement between the University and the recognised trade unions.
5.8 Departments undergoing restructuring are not expected to give prior consideration to staff on the redeployment register from other departments whilst their own restructuring is in process.
5.9 Individual employees will have the right to use the grievance procedure if they feel that redeployment procedures have not been followed correctly.
6. Training
6.0 The university is committed to providing relevant training and to providing any relevant/appropriate upskilling. Any re-training will be funded by the university including travel and accommodation costs if necessary.
7. Trial Periods
7.0 Where possible and practicable, employees who are considering suitable vacancies will be given the opportunity to spend up to 4 weeks in that new job as a trial period prior to the interview. After four weeks there will be a full review and if the post is suitable the person will be offered an interview for the post prior to other candidates.
7.1 A trial period could also take place after the member of staff has had an interview for the post and there is a question by either side about the suitability of the post.
7.2 Initially the cost of the trial period will be met from central resources. If the trial period results in an appointment, the cost could be recovered from the departmental budget including research funding.
7.3 Existing departments will be expected to release staff to enable them to undertake trial periods.
8 Protection Arrangements
8.0 The university policy on protection of pay and conditions of service will apply to staff in situations where the post to which a member of staff has been redeployed is at a lower grade than their current/most recent contracted one. Staff redeployed onto a lower graded post will also have the opportunity to remain on the redeployment register to maximise their opportunity of securing alternative employment at an equivalent grade to their original post.
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