2012 events
Information about events organised or supported by UCU which were held in 2012.
FE Teacher and Trainer Qualifications Review Consultation Event
31 October 2012

Making Progress: 21 September 2012
An event forming part of the UCU Women: Moving Further Reaching Higher project in the North West.
National Anti-stress and Bullying Week
The 2012 UCU Anti-Stress and Bullying Week, part of UCU's new Workload Campaign, takes place during the week beginning 19 November 2012. For UCU's National 'Anti-stress and Bullying Week' in 2011 we launched a range of new materials available to download or order. The aim of the week is to raise awareness of stress and bullying as issues in colleges and universities, and for UCU branches to look at developing long-term strategies for addressing the problem.
Behaviour Policy Project Training Day
LSIS Funded Whole College Behaviour Policy Project Training Day
Seminar: performance management
This seminar provides an early opportunity to discuss recent academic research on workforce and performance management models in the HE sector, and explore implications for the union's industrial agenda.
UCU Annual Seminar for Teacher Educators
The seminar will provide an opportunity for members in HE teacher education to talk to the union about issues affecting them and for the union to gather ideas on how best to support their views.
UCU-LSIS-UNISON FE Staff Governors' Conference
Teaching and Learning: a new governance focus
Conference: Adults Learning English and Maths
First joint annual conference 2012 - NIACE, UCU and RaPAL, venue: UCU's head office at Carlow Street.
HE briefings
UCU Higher Education national briefings in June 2012 regarding the REF and professional development; academic role profiles/grade drift; workload issues; equality policy updates; and pay slippage, being held at a number of locations.
Kate Heasman Memorial Lecture
Announcing the inaugural Kate Heasman Memorial Lecture, 'The current resurgence in feminism and its importance'.
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