UCU Scotland Congress 2011
13 February 2012
The Scottish Annual Congress is an autonomous policy body that debates matters specifically related to Scotland.
Friday 1 April 2011
9.30am - 3pm
Presidential address
The conference was opened by UCU Scotland president Dr Lesley McIntosh with her
presidential address [47kb].
Guest speaker
Michael MacNeil, UCU national head of higher education addressed the conference during a closed session on the disputes over pay, redundancy and pensions.
Congress resolutions
The motions passed at conference can be obtained below.
Politicians from Scotland's main political parties were quizzed on their plans for higher education.
- Angela Constance, minister for skills and lifelong learning
- Claire Baker, shadow minister for further and higher education
- Colin Stewart, Conservative candidate for Dundee West
- Eurig Scandrett, Green candidate for South of Scotland region.
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