A few things your branch can do now to build the union
9 January 2018
The basic building blocks for building your branch.
Five steps your branch can take to recruit new members:
- Make sure you have contacted management about having a short slot at new staff inductions, and identify two or three people who are prepared to attend for UCU. Make sure you have asked for lists of new starters at your institution. You can find a presentation and speaker notes here.
- Send each of your reps or contacts a list of non-members in their department or work area. Ask your reps to put a recruitment leaflet on their desk, under their door, in their pigeonhole, or forward an email from the branch.
- Ask for volunteers from your committee and your reps to form a team of people willing to visit target work areas with recruitment materials.
- Email all your reps and contacts and ask them to distribute copies of a recent newsletter or bulletin from the union among members and their colleagues.
- Email all your members with a short message encouraging people to join UCU and ask them to pass it on to their colleagues.
You can find a draft letter for recruitment here. [142kb]
Two steps you can take to recruit new contacts:
- Identify departments or work areas that have no contacts or reps, and write to every member in that area asking them to help out.
You can find a draft letter you can use here. [28kb]
- Ask for a list of people who have ticked the box to 'Get Involved' at your institution and write to them asking them to help out.
You can find a draft letter here. [27kb]
If you want more help, email campaigns@ucu.org.uk.
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