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UCU hourly paid survival guide

Hourly paid staff make a huge contribution to the education sector and yet the vast majority are low paid and have no job security or career progression. UCU's 'hourly paid survival guide' uses the experience and advice of members to provide a practical resource for such staff.

UCU hourly paid survival guide The guide:

  • outlines the rights of hourly paid staff and what they can expect from their institutions
  • offers practical advice on how to survive difficult employment conditions, and
  • suggests ways in which to seek improvements. 

It also explains what UCU is trying to achieve and offers a range of support options.

The guide provides a great opportunity to recruit new members and organise so that hourly paid members are better-represented in their union and increase UCU's ability to achieve much-needed improvements for them.

Download the guide below, or to request a printed copy please email the campaigns team: