Global dispatches
UCU has a strong tradition of taking up issues at international and European level where they affect members' professional lives, and also working with partner organisations on solidarity and international development issues identified by the membership through UCU's democratic structures.
11 November 2019
The Latin America Conference 2019 is a good opportunity to hear about the latest developments in the region and how UK trade unionists can offer solidarity. More…
20 September 2019
Next steps for the trade union movement A Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) trade union conference takes place in London on Saturday 12 October. This conference…
24 May 2015
A number of motions on international issues were passed at UCU Congress held in May 2015. These included motions about TTiP, Israel, Palestine, Qatar, Bahrain,…
10 June 2012
A number of motions on international issues were passed at UCU Congress held in June 2012. These included motions about Venezuela, Greece, Burma, Colombia and Canada.…
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