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Northern Ireland Teachers' Pension Scheme

20 June 2007

Information on the Northern Ireland Teachers' Pension Scheme (NITPS).

The NITPS is contracted-out of the State Second Pension (S2P) and that means the NITPS guarantees to pay benefits which are at least as high as those the state would pay. Although you will be contracted out of S2P you will receive the Basic State Pension in addition to your teacher's pension.

The NITPS is a statutory scheme subject to the Teachers' Superannuation Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998 (as amended). 

The NITPS has undergone modifications and improvements effective from 1 April 2007. The new provisions include a pension age of 65 for new entrants to the scheme alongside modifications to the current scheme for existing members from 1 April 2007 so all guidance and leaflets prior to this are obsolete:

For further information on any aspects of the scheme, and for forms and leaflets, please see the  Northern Ireland Teachers Pension Scheme website.

Last updated: 6 August 2015