UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
Briefing for members on redundancy, pregnancy and being new parents
Guidance for members on undertaking the higher education marking and assessment boycott, April 2023
UCU health and safety factsheet about Legionnaires' disease
A briefing for branches and members of the government's proposed Minimum Service Levels (MSLs)
Details of the agreement reached at the Open University to move Associate Lecturers on to permanent contracts, September 2022
Briefing paper briefing paper summarising the key sections in the CEART report, including important recommendations on issues such as university governance and…
Green New Deal: guidance on engaging with regional and local authorities on climate change, December 2020
UK government funding announcements on higher education - UCU briefing, July 2020
A report and guidance for higher education branches on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
Large print version of the briefing for the disability day of action 2019
Guidance for UCU branch officers supporting members experiencing violence at home and in the workplace
UCU briefing on sex workers and education, February 2019
UCU briefing on sex workers and education, February 2019
Briefing on REF 2021 and request for information from HE branches on REF staff selection
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