UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Making education work for all: UCU Cymru manifesto for welsh assembly elections 2016
Response for the Northern Ireland Department for Employment and Learning 'big higher education' consultation, submitted October 2015
London Economics report for UCU into the impact of student loan repayments on graduate taxation, published July 2017
Interim report on further education in England: transforming lives and communities, published January 2017
A short policy manifesto produced by UCU Scotland ahead of the 2017 general election
UCu report into the use of insecure contracts in English further education, published May 2017
Research report exploring and evaluating the implementation of a teacher learning and development framework to support quality improvement at The College Merthyr…
The impact of Covid-19 on university finances in Wales, London Economics, May 2020
The automatic university – a review of datafication and automation in higher education, UCU Scotland, June 2020
UCU Scotland manifesto for the Scotland parliament elections 2021
UCU Cymru manifesto for the Welsh parliament elections 2021
Maniffesto UCU Cymru ar gyfer etholiadau senedd Cymru 2021
Analysis of the July 2021 survey of members on Covid-19, August 2021
Summary of UCU's further education (England) gender pay gap 2016-17 report, published May 2018
Report on the further education (England) gender pay gap 2016-17, published May 2018
How admissions reform can address five big challenges for higher education, February 22
Report on UCU research into prison education submitted as evidence to Ofsted, March 2022
Public good and a prosperous Wales - reflections on the PCET reforms for UCU Cymru: Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and Director of the Centre for Real-World…
Joint trade union report from a survey into student behaviour in Wales FE colleges, October 2019
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