UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Summary of key points in UCU's response to the HE green paper, January 2016
UCU Scotland's manifesto for the 2016 Scottish parliament elections, published March 2016
UCU briefing on how apprenticehsip changes affect higher education, published March 2017
Creating viable career paths for academics and the crucial role played by academic-related professional staff, February 2016
UCU data on precarious contracts in higher education, revised September 2016
UCU briefing on the higher education and research bill head of its second reading in July 2016
UCU briefing on private providers and the higher education and research bill ahead of th bill's second reading in July 2016
Precarious work in higher education the 2016-17 data tables, published June 2018
Higher Education and Research Bill - Commons report stage and third reading briefing, published November 2016
A parliamentary briefing for peers ahead of the Higher Education and Research Bill's report stage debate, March 2017
Presentation to UCU Congress 2017 by Terence Karran on the academic freedom report
UCU response: Community Consultation on the Review of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, November 2017
Briefing on the Teachers' Pension Scheme, 30 November 2018
UCU guidance for academic-related professional staff during the Covid-19 crisis, updated Jan 21
A report and guidance for higher education branches in Scotland on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
UCU Scotland letter to Scottish education secretary John Swinney regarding safe returns to campus during Covid0-19 pandemic
Pdf infographic setting out UCU's roadmap for a safe return to university campuses
A letter to the Secretary of State following his announcement that institutions failing to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism could face sanctions
Employees' individual and collective rights on health & safety issues - updated information for members in HE, January 2021
Critical worker status in higher education in England - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
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