UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU letter to the universities minister Michelle Donelan on the cost of e-books in the academic publishing industry, 19 January 2022
UCU's response to the UK government's prisons strategy white paper, February 2022
UCU's response to the UK government review of 'Prevent', formalised in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, May 2021
2019- 2020 Freedom of Information request data on insecure contracts in further education
A report by UCU and Graeme Atherton on post-qualification application to university, January 2019
Presentation for students on the HE industrial action on both pay & conditions and pensions, Nov 19
Information on the Universities Superannuation Scheme for UCU members on contracts of less than two years, April 2022
UCU letter to prison educator employers about Covid-19 and work expectations
UCU letter to HMPPS urging the shutdown of prison education in light of latest govenment statements, Mar 20
UCU letter to heads of institutions urging the spension of all prison education departments, 20 March 2020
UCU letter escalating our concerns over Covid-19 policy to the Director General of Prisons, Phil Copple, 22 March 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer on ceasing attendance to protect vulnerable people from Covid-19 in line with government advice, March 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer on ceasing attendance due to Covid-19 health and safety concerns, March 2020
UCU letter UK Reseach and Innovation calling on UKRI to work to ensure increased retention of fixed0term researchers, 24 March 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer responding to an attendance request and Covid-19 health and safety concerns, March 2020
UCU letter to prison education providers and HMPPS following Howard League report, 3 April 2020
Covid-19 crisis: UCU guidance on online/mixed-media delivery in prison education
Draft letter for members to send to managers regarding working from home concerns
Letter from the Prison Officers' Association regarding Youth Custody Service, 2 April 2020
UCU Cymru paper on adult (community) learning as a priority issue within the manifesto for the 2021 Welsh assembly election, Octiober 2019
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