UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Association of Colleges: Equality Impact Assessment - Guidance for Colleges, June 13
UCU health and safety factsheet on asbestos diseases and their regulation (Word version)
All-party parliamentary group on occupational health and safety: report on asbestos in schools
UCU health and safety factsheet on asbestos in the workplace (Word document)
Austerity and equality in multicultural Britain: UCU campaign toolkit
UCU Covid-19 risk assessment guidance for black members in higher education, further education, prison education and adult and community education
Ban the bottle factsheet
Bargaining for better workloads in higher education in response to the Covid-19 pandemic: a UCU bargaining guide for branches, June 2020
Covid-19: Returning to work and health & safety – a note for UCU branches on the legal position
A short guide for branches on building anti-racist workplaces
Guide for branches on effective campaigns against casual contracts, publshed June 2015
UCU health and safety factsheet: can you be disciplined or sacked for being ill? (Word version)
Full UCU guidance document: caring for the carers
Section 1, introduction, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
Section 2, the picture of caring, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
Section 3, branch and local association action, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
Section 4, rights at work, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
UCU briefing on challenging anti-Muslim racism - PDF version
UCU briefing on challenging anti-Muslim racism - Word version
Equality guidance for branches and reps on challenging bullying and harassment, published October 2016
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