UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
The impact of Covid-19 on university finances in Wales, London Economics, May 2020
UCU Wales response to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales review of part-time provision at higher education providers, January 2020
Joint trade union report from a survey into student behaviour in Wales FE colleges, October 2019
Bilingual (Welsh/English) 'Sorry we missed you' note for the 2018 Wales 'overworked and underpaid' ballot
Research report exploring and evaluating the implementation of a teacher learning and development framework to support quality improvement at The College Merthyr…
Wales FE newsletter, October 2017
Wales workload campaign newsletter 3, September 2017
Wales workload campaign newsletter 2, September 2017
Newsletter on the campaign to improve the national workload agreement
Wales joint trade union paper on workload for the principals' meeting in May 2017
Joint Wales union response to the consultation on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill, March 2017
Briefing on different legislation and approach to equalities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, published May 2016
Briefing on different legislation and approach to equalities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, published May 2016
Newsletter from the Wales Retired Members' branch, published spring 2016
UCU commentary on the Hazelkorn review, July 2015
Minister letter agreeing to invite all trade unions onto initial teacher training stakeholder group, 25 November 2015
UCU's response to the manifesto consultation by the Welsh Liberal Democrats, submitted August 2015
UCU submission to the review of the oversight and regulation of post-compulsory education and training in Wales, published November 2015
UCU CSR 2007 submission section 04, published September 2006
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Proposals for minor amendments to the current General Teaching Council for Wales registration rules in preparation for its…
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