UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
University and College Union briefing on the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill ahead of the House of Lords second reading, June 2022
A charter for professional respect in further education
Presentation about UCU's model branch claim for the Decarbonise & Decolonise 2030 campaign
Newsletter from the South West Retired Members' branch, May 2022
Contributions by speakers at UCU's 2010 'Legacy of Hope' events which were scheduled to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day.
UCU factsheet on joint working groups: implementing the stress management standards
UCU workload campaign checklist on ensuring fit-for-purpose structures
UCU workload campaign checklist on organising your branch workload team
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on higher education policy and reform in England, May 2022
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement in England, May 2022
Joint trade unions FE England pay claim for 2023-24, submitted to the employers on 17 March 2023
Update on the FE England national pay talks - no offer from the employers, 19 April 2023
'No one else works for nothing' - poster for the prison pay campaign 2022
'No one else works for nothing' - leaflet for the prison pay campaign 2022
H&S guidance for UCU reps on the Westminster government's 'Living with Covid' policy
Eradicating sexual violence in tertiary education: a report from UCU's sexual violence task group (grayscale version)
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