UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU Scotland response to the Smith Commission on the devolution of further powers for the Scottish Parliament
PDF file of UCU Scotland's 'Manifesto for Scotland's Referendum'
UCU written evidence on Scottish code of governance
SFC allocations 2013
UCU submission to Governance review panel
Manifesto for 2011 Scottish Parliament elections
Governance Briefing
UCU Scotland submission to higher education governance review
Report of Intellect and Democracy conference
SFC indicative grants 2011
Scottish Charter on Academic Freedom
UCU analysis of Scottish Funding Council allocations 2009
UCU Scotland Response to SFC Draft corporate plan 2009-12
STUC submission for Task force presentation
Full UCU Scotland response to 'Joint Future Thinking Taskforce on Universities' taskforce interim report
Excel file
Scottish funding announcement for HE 2008-11: preliminary analysis, Nov 07
Synopsis of Party Policy
UCU analysis of Scottish Funding Council allocation 2007, Mar 07
Universities – knowledge for Scotland: 2007 Scottish Parliament election manifesto summary
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