UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Wales workload review - joint trade unions' letter to minister for education ans Welsh language,14 July 2021
Wales workload steering group terms of reference, 12 March 2021
Wales workload project - chair's recommendations, May 2021
UCU's letter to college principals on phase three of the workload project, 6 July 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on the National Skills Fund for England, September 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on reforms to further education funding and accountability, October 2021
'Defend lifelong learning against savage cuts: Fight for the future of FE': UCU newsletter on the FE funding cuts
Joint union bilingual leaflet on the FE funding campaign 2015
Joint union bilingual poster for the FE funding campaign 2015
UCU NI response to the 'Sharing works: a policy for shared education' DENI consultation
A response from UCU to the government review of post-18 education and funding
Summary of UCU's further education (England) gender pay gap 2016-17 report, published May 2018
Report on the further education (England) gender pay gap 2016-17, published May 2018
Wales FE negotiating committee recommendations on the employment of part time hourly paid lecturers, 16 July 2021
UCU Wales: failure to agree notice issued to employers over the part time hourly permanent contract, November 2021
UCU letter to David Hughes, chief executive AoC, on Covid-19 testing, April 2022
UCU response to the DfE consultation on FE funding and accountability, 21 September 2022
UCU response to the review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below in England, Oct 22
2019- 2020 Freedom of Information request data on insecure contracts in further education
Report looking at the impact of casualisation in further education on staff and students, June 2019
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