UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Public good and a prosperous Wales - reflections on the PCET reforms for UCU Cymru: Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and Director of the Centre for Real-World…
Joint trade union report from a survey into student behaviour in Wales FE colleges, October 2019
UCU Cymru response to the Welsh government draft budget 2020-21 consultation, October 19
UCU Cymru response to the curriculum for Wales 2022 consultation consultation, October 19
A summary of key points and recommendations from the summative report of the UCU FE Transforming Lives project
UCU health and satfey gudance document on lone and mobile working in further education, Apr 2019
UCU Cymru policy on junior apprenticeships approved by the Further Education Sector Committee, June 2019
Update on the FE England national pay talks - no offer from the employers, 19 April 2023
Joint trade unions FE England pay claim for 2023-24, submitted to the employers on 17 March 2023
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement in England, May 2022
UCU comment on 'Further education means business'
Report of a meeting of the Lecturers' Negotiating Committee 28 Sep 06
Raising expectations: staying in education and training post-16, DFES Green Paper: UCU response, May 07
Personalising further education - developing a vision: UCU response, Feb 07
Guidance for members and branches on the area reviews of post-16 provision in England, updated January 2016
Professionalisation of the learning and skills sector: UCU response, Jun 06
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Learning Country 2'
Raising standards, improving life chances: UCU FE white paper response, Jul 06
Raising standards, improving life chances: UCU FE white paper response, Jul 06
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