UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Lifelong Learning UK presentation, UCU staff governors' conference 2007
'FE colleges, the frontline under pressure?', UCU/LSN, Apr 08
PDF version of UCU's newsletter for adult and community education staff: Unison strike issue, published Jul 2008
Word version of UCU's newsletter for adult and community education staff: Unison strike edition, published July 2008
UCU Cymru response to draft regulations for collaborative arrangements between FE institutions and FE institutions and schools, Sep 08
Tackling stress in further education, UCU survey findings, Dec 08
Further and adult education: responding to a new economic and social climate, Mar 09
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on UCU and NUT activity at local level on 16-19 provision, published May 2010
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on FE college funding 2010-2011, published May 2010
UCU policy briefing: FE college funding 2010-2011, published May 2010
Teacher Education in a Climate of Change: The Way Forward, DEL, Jun 10
UCU tabled questions to the Northern ireland Assembly on the Belfast Metropolitan College cuts
UCU Cymru submission to the review of further education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru submission to the review of higher education governance in Wales, Nov 10
Further Education Colleges - Review of Governance: Comment by the University and College Union, Feb 11
Further Education Colleges - Review of Governance: Comment by the University and College Union, Feb 11
UCU comment on the Draft department of Employment and Learning budget
UCU comment on the draft department of Employment and Learning budget
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