UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU Cymru response to the 'The designation of higher education courses at alternative providers for the purpose of student support' consultation, submitted April…
UCU Cymru response to the 'Aligning the apprenticeship model to the needs of the Welsh economy' consultation, submitted April 2015
UCU’s priorities and principles in relation to teaching in further education, published November 2015
PDF version of Health and Safety News 82, published May 2015
Word version of Health and Safety News 82, published May 2015
A survey looking at rising stress in further education, by Dr Gail Kinman and Siobhan Wray
PDF version of UCU's HE newsletter 40, published May 2015: HE employers' final offer
Word version of UCU's HE newsletter 40, published May 2015: HE employers' final offer
Report into the use and impact of casual contracts in further and higher education, published May 2015
Newsletter from the South West Retired Members' branch, published May 2015
PDF version of the UCU Congress 2015 special issue of anti-fascist news
Word version of the UCU Congress 2015 special issue of anti-fascist news
PDF format UCU guidance on maternity rights for fixed term contracts and casually employed staff, May 15
Word format UCU guidance on maternity rights for fixed term contracts and casually employed staff, May 15
PDF version of the UCU Congress 2015 special issue of anti-fascist news
Word version of the UCU Congress 2015 special issue of anti-fascist news
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