Stress toolkit
10 May 2007
Stress is a major concern for staff in further and higher education. Rising workloads, poor management culture, excessive audit and inspection, job insecurity and poor facilities have all contributed to rising concern over stress and its causes.
Webinar: tackling stress in the workplace
Breakfast briefings:
A series of webinars for UCU reps on health and safety issues. You can catch up with the whole series here.
Downloadable guidance
See also:
It's your time - UCU's workload campaign
Stress toolkit [315kb] - the UCU stress toolkit provides the resources to help branch/LA officers to tackle stress in the workplace
UCU: The growing epidemic: work-related stress in post-16 education, Nov 11 [362kb]
Dealing with individual stress cases [186kb] - advises branches on supporting individuals, using health and safety and other legal rights, and collective campaigns on stress and the causes of stress.
Stressed? What you can do about it - information for UCU members [164kb] - guides members through stress issues and the initial steps to take.
Protecting staff from stress induced by work: UCU guidance on adopting a safe working practice approach [174kb]
Model risk assessment [141kb]
Hours monitoring form [164kb] - provides a systematic approach to monitoring working hours.
Hours monitoring form explanatory notes [160kb]
Model stress questionaire [145kb] can be used to help branches gather information on stress levels in the institution to present to management.
Too cold or too warm to work comfortably: what should you do? [146kb]
- UCU health and safety adviceline
Branch/LA officers and safety reps who need further advice on the issue of work-related stress at their institution can contact the health and safety advice line.
More information on health and safety advice line... - Education Support
In addition to speaking to their UCU rep, members who need counselling, support, financial assistance and more can contact Education Support'.
More information from Education Support - Personal injury
If you think you have a personal injury claim (including workplace stress) you can email UCU at and one of our advisers will contact you to obtain the relevant information before making the referral to one of our panel firms.
Find more information here.
Other resources
- Further education staff and prison educators suffer above-average stress, Dec 08
- Stress levels in higher education way above recommended levels, Dec 08
Tackling work related stress in education - HSE newsletter [129kb]
Example individual risk assessment template, HSE NI [203kb]
- HSE - Management standards for work-related stress
- Stress and mental health at work - a guide for trade union reps, LRD, Oct 16 - an excellent introduction to stress at work which can be purchased from the Labour Research Department website.
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