Handling casework: a guide for UCU reps
10 July 2013
Practical up-to-date advice on representing members from our expert legal team and using contributions from current reps. You will find this guide invaluable whatever your level of experience handling casework.
As a UCU rep you play a vital role in the continued success of our union. Representing and supporting members in the workplace is a central function of any trade union and the work you do to help staff facing difficulties is essential and greatly appreciated.
That's why UCU is committed to providing practical advice and up to date information for reps and we are very pleased to offer a brand new resource Handling casework: a guide For UCU reps.
Written by our expert Legal team and using the contributions from the experiences of current workplace reps, this guide is intended to provide you with a practical checklist of issues to consider when representing members. You will also find invaluable signposts to all the relevant up to date employment law.
UCU reps will find this guide invaluable whatever your level of experience handling casework, so why not download or order a copy for your branch?
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