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Commission to review the union's rule 13 (conduct of members) procedure

2 February 2022

Congress 2022 agreed to set up a commission to review the union's rule 13 process and report back to Congress 2023.  The #relevant motion is reproduced below.

The report of the Commission to review rule 13, to report back on proposals for reform at Congress 2023, is now availble.

Your experience: call for feedback

The rule 13 (conduct of members) procedure is being reviewed by the elected Commission. If you have been involved in the rule 13 procedure in the last 7 years, whether as complainant, respondent, witness, panel member or in any other role, you are invited to confidentially give feedback on your experience to inform the Commission's work using this form.

The information you provide will be treated confidentially. It will be received by a member of staff (Catherine Wilkinson or Alan Scobbie), reviewed and anonymised (which may include redaction or summarising of information) before being shared in a suitable format with commission members. Information will not be shared that might identify you or other individuals. Commission members will receive the anonymised information on a strictly confidential basis.

The questions on the form are intended to help structure the feedback received. However, if you would prefer to send a purely narrative response, you can email in confidence.

Membership of the Commission

East Midlands 

Alan Barker (University of Nottingham) (chair)

South East 

Ryan Burns (University of Brighton) (vice chair)

Eastern and Home Counties 

Michael Kyriacou (University of East Anglia) 


Prof. John Parrington (University of Oxford) 


Tony Brown (University College London) 

South West  

Michael Carley (University of Bath)


Felix Schulz (Newcastle University)


John James (Coleg Gwent)

Northern Ireland 

No nominations received. 

West Midlands 

Babs Gisborne-Land (West Midlands retired members branch) 

North West 

Julie Hearn (Lancaster University) 

Yorkshire and Humberside  

Sam  Morecroft (University of Sheffield International College) 


Dr Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow) 


Work of the panel

In accordance with the motion, the panel will determine its own terms of reference. The bullet points set out in the motion (see below) will be key reference points in this respect.

Hearing from those who have been involved in the rule 13 process will be very important. A general call will be made for those who have been involved to submit comments on their experiences via a form which will be made available on this webpage before the end of September.

The rule 13 process is a confidential process and no information will be shared with commission members which names individuals, or from which individual identities could reasonably be deduced.

Congress motion 15 (2022):

Review of Operation of Rule 13 and associated NEC  procedures 

Congress notes that the operation of the Rule 13 process can take long periods of time, cause distress to the parties involved and make considerable demands on UCU resources. 

It calls for a review into the operation of Rule 13 and associated NEC procedures, including: 

1.   rule 13 complaints in the last 7 years 

2.   time periods 

3.   areas of appropriate complaint 

4.   pastoral support for complainants, respondents and witnesses 

5.   operation of confidentiality 

6.   representational rights of advisers 

7.   impact of penalties on employment 

8.   interaction with other UCU procedures 

9.   compliance with legal rights of trade union members and representatives 

10.compliance with principles of natural justice 

Congress resolves to elect by delegates to Congress 2022 a Review Panel of 12 members (one member from each Region (9) and one member from each of the three nations (3) to undertake this review.

The Review Panel shall elect a Chair from among its members and agree its own terms of reference. The Review Panel shall report back to Congress 2023. 

Rule 13 Committee minutes (18.11.22)

UCU 2052 Nominations received and reopening of nominations for Northern and Northern Ireland seats

Calling notice: UCU2050

Rule 13 procedure [211kb]



Last updated: 24 March 2023