E-bost Cymru: 3 Rhagfyr 2019 / Wales email: 3 December 2019
3 December 2019
Yn e-bost heddiw:
Streic Addysg Uwch
Anghydfod ynghylch Llwyth Gwaith Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru
Cyflog Addysg Bellach
1. Streic Addysg Uwch
Mae aelodau o ganghennau Prifysgol Bangor, Prifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Cymru wedi bod yn streicio dros yr wythnos diwethaf ynghylch llwyth gwaith, contractau dros dro, cyflog a phensiwn.Ddydd Llun 25 Tachwedd, cynhaliodd cangen Prifysgol Caerdydd rali dorfol yng Ngerddi Alexandra ym Mharc Cathays gydag areithiau a cherddoriaeth, ac mae wedi parhau i gynnal cyfres o weithgareddau a phicedu fel rhan o'r streic gyda chefnogaethgrefganaelodaua chydweithwyr. Ddydd Gwener 29 Tachwedd, gorymdeithiodd cangen Prifysgol Bangor o'r brifysgol gan orffen ger y senotaff yn y dref lle cafwyd areithiau i gefnogi'r streic. Mae'r gangen hefyd wedi cynnal digwyddiadau eraill gan gynnwys darlithoedd anffurfiol, yn ogystal â phicedu eto gyda chefnogaeth dda gan aelodau a chydweithwyr. Disgwylir i'r don gyntaf hon o streicio ddod i ben ddydd Mercher 4 Rhagfyr.
Gan gydnabod y ffaith nad yw pob cangen wedi bod yn cymryd rhan yn y streic, rydym yn awgrymu y dylai'r canghennau hynny na allant streicio fynd i gefnogi eu cydweithwyr ym Mangor a Chaerdydd. Ffordd arall y gall yr aelodau sydd wedi methu â streicio helpu yw drwy gyfrannu at un o'r canlynol:
Tudalen cyllido torfol 'GoFundMe' Prifysgol Caerdydd y gellir ei gweld yma
Dolen i dudalen cyllido torfol Prifysgol Bangor er mwyn cyfrannu
2. Anghydfod ynghylch Llwyth Gwaith Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru
Ar 27 Tachwedd, anfonodd Swyddog Cymru, Margaret Phelan, e-bost at bob aelod Addysg Bellach am yr anghydfod ynghylch llwyth gwaith. Os nad ydych wedi cael yr e-bost hwn, cysylltwch â Swyddfa Cymru. Ar 2 Rhagfyr, byddwch hefyd yn cael arolwg un cwestiwn. Ymatebwch i'r arolwg erbyn 6 Rhagfyr gan fod angen i ni wybod beth fyddai'r newidiadau arfaethedig i'r cytundeb llwyth gwaith yn ei olygu i CHI. Nid yw'r mater yn ymwneud â llwyth gwaith wedi dod i ben. Rydym yn gwrando arnoch ac yn gwybod bod llwythi gwaith gormodol yn parhau i fod yn broblem i sawl un ohonoch. Mae'n amser newid hynny #Itstimefor21 #MaeLlwythGwaithYnBwysig
3. Cyflog Addysg Bellach
Rydym bellach wedi cael cadarnhad bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i ariannu'r cynnig cyflog mewn Addysg Bellach. Cyfarfu Pwyllgor y Sector Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru ddydd Sadwrn 23 Tachwedd 2019 a thrafod ymateb y cyflogwr i'r cais am 5% a swm i ddatrys y gwahaniaeth yn nyfarniad 2018/19. Cyhoeddodd y Gweinidog ar 22 Hydref 2019 y byddai athrawon ysgol yn cael codiad o 2.75% ac eithrio MG1 a fyddai'n cael codiad o 5%. Mae'r cynnig gan Gyflogwyr Colegau yn cyfateb i gyflog athrawon ysgol ac yn cynnal cydraddoldeb cyflog rhwng y brif raddfa a'r raddfa uwch.
Cynrychiolwyd saith coleg ac anfonodd dau goleg arall ohebiaeth ysgrifenedig at swyddogion Pwyllgor y Sector Addysg Pellach yn gofyn i'w barn gael ei rhannu yn y cyfarfod. Barn gyffredinol y cyfarfod oedd y dylai UCU argymell derbyn y cynnig yn anfodlon am y rhesymau canlynol:
Dyma'r unig gynnig y gellir ei gyflawni heb orfod dadlau a streicio.
Mae'n cynnal cydraddoldeb cyflog ag athrawon ysgol.
Mae'n galluogi UCU i ganolbwyntio ar fwrw ymlaen â honiad newydd y Cyd-undebau Llafur mewn perthynas â llwyth gwaith.
Fel arfer, mae'r penderfyniad terfynol yn eich dwylo chi, felly rydym yn cynnal e-bleidlais ymgynghorol rhwng 9 Rhagfyr a 9 Ionawr. Gwnewch yn siŵr bod eich cyfeiriad e-bost cywir gennym fel eich bod yn gallu dweud eich dweud ar gyflog! Pleidleisiwch IE pan fyddwch yn cael eich papur pleidleisio ar 9 Rhagfyr.
Mewn undod / In solidarity
Undeb Prifysgolion a Cholegau Cymru / UCU Wales
HE strike
Wales FE workload dispute
FE pay
1. HE strike
Members at Bangor, Cardiff, and the University of Wales branches have been out on strike over the last week over workloads, casualisation, pay and pensions. On Monday 25 November Cardiff University branch held a mass rally in Alexandra Gardens Cathays Park with speeches and music and have continued to hold a series of activities and pickets as part of the strike with strong support from members and colleagues. On Friday 29 November, Bangor University branch marched from the university ending at the cenotaph in town where speeches were made in support of the strike. The branch has also held other events including teach-ins, as well as pickets again with good support from members and other colleagues. This first wave of strike action is due to end on Wednesday 4 December.
Recognising that not all branches have been taking part in strike action, we are suggesting that those branches who are unable to come out on strike go along and support their colleagues in Bangor and Cardiff. Another way that members who have been unable to take strike action can help, is by donating to one of the following:
2. Wales FE workload dispute
On 27 November all FE members were sent an email from the Wales Official, Margaret Phelan, regarding the workload dispute. If you have not received this letter please get in touch with the Wales Office. On 2 December you will also receive a single question survey. Please respond to the survey by the 6 December, we need to know what the proposed changes to the workload agreement would mean to YOU. The workload issue hasn't gone away. We are listening and know that excessive workloads are still a problem for many of you. It's time that changed. #Itstimefor21 #WorkloadMatters
3. FE pay
We have now received confirmation that the Welsh Government are going to fund the pay offer in FE. The Further Education Sector Committee (FESC) in Wales met on Saturday 23 Nov 2019 and discussed the employer's response to the claim for 5% and an amount to redress the differential in the 2018/9 award. The Minister announced on 22 October 2019 that all school teachers would receive 2.75% uplift with the exception of MG1 which would receive an uplift of 5%. The offer from College Employers matches the school teachers and maintains pay parity of the main grade and upper pay scales.
Seven colleges were represented and two further colleges sent written correspondence to the officers of FESC asking that their views be shared with the meeting. The majority view of the meeting was that UCU should reluctantly recommend acceptance of the offer for the following reasons:
It is the only offer which can be achieved without having to go into dispute and take strike action.
It maintains pay parity with school teachers.
It allows UCU to focus its energies on pursuing the new JTU claim on workload.
As always, the final decision rests with you, so we are running a consultative e-ballot from 9 December to 9 January. Please check that we have your correct email address so you can have your say on pay! Please vote YES when you receive your ballot paper on 9 December.
Mewn undod / In solidarity
Undeb Prifysgolion a Cholegau Cymru / UCU Wales
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