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Wales email: 19 October 2021 / E-bost Cymru: 19 Hydref 2021

19 October 2021

In today's email: Update your membership records 

This is a timely reminder, at the start of the new academic year to check and update your UCU membership record.

Reasons to check your membership 1

Sometimes things go wrong at work and you need support from your union colleagues to sort it out.

If you request assistance, the first thing that will happen is your membership will be checked.

Branch membership contacts have limited access to membership information for the members in their branches. If you have changed jobs and are now working at a different institution, your new branch will not be able to check your membership themselves until it has been transferred across. They will need to seek confirmation from Wales office or head office, which could cause delays.

Errors in membership can cause delays in getting access to the UCU Legal Scheme.

To avoid any such delays in accessing advice and assistance, it's advisable to make sure your information is up to date!

How to check your membership

You can now access your membership details on line via MyUCU, our member services site, so it couldn't be easier to check and update your information at a time that it is convenient for YOU! 

If you haven't already used MyUCU you will need to register, but once you have you can update your information as necessary.

In solidarity

UCU Wales

Yn e-bost heddiw: Diweddaru eich cofnod aelodaeth 

Neges amserol yw hon i'ch atgoffa ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd i fwrw golwg dros eich cofnod aelodaeth gydag UCU a'i ddiweddaru. 

Rhesymau dros fwrw golwg dros eich aelodaeth 1

Weithiau bydd pethau'n mynd o'i le yn y gwaith a bydd angen cymorth arnoch gan eich cydweithwyr undeb i'w datrys.

Os bydd angen cymorth arnoch, y peth cyntaf fydd yn digwydd yw y caiff eich aelodaeth ei gwirio. 

Mynediad cyfyngedig sydd gan Gysylltiadau Aelodaeth Cangen at wybodaeth am aelodau yn eu canghennau. Os ydych wedi newid swydd a bellach yn gweithio mewn sefydliad gwahanol, ni all eich cangen newydd wirio eich aelodaeth ei hunan nes iddi gael ei throsglwyddo. Bydd angen i'r sefydliad newydd gael cadarnhad gan Swyddfa Cymru neu'r Brif Swyddfa, a allai achosi oedi.

Gall camgymeriadau aelodaeth achosi oedi wrth ddefnyddio Cynllun Cyfreithiol UCU.

I osgoi oedi o'r fath wrth geisio cyngor a chymorth, awgrymir eich bod yn gwneud yn siŵr bod eich gwybodaeth yn gyfredol!

Sut i fwrw golwg dros eich aelodaeth

Gallwch bellach weld manylion eich aelodaeth ar-lein drwy MyUCU, ein gwefan gwasanaethau i aelodau, felly ni allai fod yn haws bwrw golwg dros eich gwybodaeth, a'i diweddaru, ar adeg sy'n gyfleus i CHI!

Os nad ydych eisoes wedi defnyddio MyUCU bydd angen i chi gofrestru, ond unwaith y byddwch wedi gwneud hynny gallwch ddiweddaru eich gwybodaeth fel y bo angen.

Mewn Undod

Undeb Prifysgolion a Cholegau Cymru  

Last updated: 22 October 2021