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First GS candidate email from Jo Grady

25 January 2024

Vote Jo Grady for UCU General Secretary - Building a Union for the Members

One week from today, ballot papers will be dispatched for the UCU general secretary election. This election will determine the future direction of our union, and whether UCU continues to be an influence in and out of the workplace.

It's crucial that you cast your vote in this election. If you don't vote, there is a real danger all the hard work we have done - building the union, winning ballots, increasing our profile and heightening engagement - could be undone.

Every UCU member gets a vote. Check your details on My UCU now to make sure the ballot papers are sent to you at the correct postal address. The ballot opens on 25th January and closes on 1st March.

In my four years as your general secretary, we have collectively achieved so much - but we also have a lot left to do. I am writing to you today to make it clear that I believe I am the best candidate to continue leading our great union.

I respect our members. I know the sacrifices many of you have made. I know how much we all need to see change in our workplaces and sectors. And I know you want to see your union be strategic.

This is why I have set out detailed, coherent, and deliverable plans for:

I have also produced a full manifesto that is based on hundreds of conversations I have had with UCU members in recent years. You can read this here.

In short, I am the candidate with a plan. I am the candidate with the experience. I am the candidate answerable to nobody but UCU members.

If you want a more open, member-led union, then you are going to need to vote for it, and encourage colleagues to do the same. This doesn't just mean electing me, it means electing an entire platform of candidates who have pledged to support me and work with me to ensure our union becomes a more strategic union that listens to members.

I've been humbled by the support I've received, and the dozens of representatives and members volunteering to help with the campaign. Anything you can do will make a massive difference. Whether it is one conversation, handing out leaflets, putting up posters or sharing our content online - it all counts.

If you believe in a union led by members, for the members; one that needs to organise, build and grow, then please get involved. Visit my website, sign up and there's a role waiting for you.

This is the first of four emails I will be sending during the election period. The next three will elaborate on my platform of policies and strategic plans.

I urge all members to attend hustings if your branch or region has arranged one, follow the candidates on social media and take on us much information as possible prior to casting your vote.

I will ensure this election is an open as possible, with live broadcasts, Q&As and articles - that is what you deserve. You'll find these on Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram, and Bluesky.

You also deserve the best leadership possible - vote Jo Grady #1.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Jo Grady

Last updated: 25 January 2024