HE negotiations 2024-25
22 March 2024
Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2024-25 which take place within the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES).
12 December 2024
UCU's higher education committee (HEC) met today to consider next steps following the result of the consultative ballot that ended on 3 December 2024.
HEC has agreed that a statutory industrial action ballot in furtherance of a 5.5% pay rise will be held in order to enable UK-wide term-time strike action to take place in early April 2025 if the thresholds are met. An industrial action ballot campaign is expected to begin in late January 2025, and the voting window is expected to open in late February 2025.
Work on a wider campaign to call for a publicly funded HE sector had already begun prior to the HEC meeting and will run separately to the industrial ballot from early 2025.
4 December 2024
The consultative ballot on the higher education (HE) pay and working conditions offer for 2024/25 closed at 17:00 on Tuesday 3 December 2024. Click here for the results of the consultation. The union's higher education committee (HEC) will meet to consider the results and decide on next steps.
18 November 2024
The following statement was agreed with all unions involving in JNCHES (UCU, Unite, UNISON, GMB, EIS):
UCEA and the joint HE trade unions met for the autumn New JNCHES meeting on 12 November 2024. The meeting included a discussion on the financial challenges facing the HE sector. UCEA and the unions discussed plans to begin joint work on the pay spine review, contract types, pay gaps and workload, and meetings to take forward each of these workstreams will begin as soon as possible.
8 November 2024
To recap, the elected representatives on UCU's higher education committee (HEC) considered the final offer from Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), and voted to reject the pay element of the offer and to accept the terms of reference relating to the pay spine review, workload, contract types, and equality pay gaps. HEC also voted to launch a consultative (electronic) ballot on the offer.
We are urging members (from HE branches included in the consultation) to register here for an online Q&A session with the HE national negotiators regarding the final offer. This will be an important opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about both the offer and the negotiation process. Here are further details:
- the negotiators' Q&A will be held online on Tuesday 12 November (15:00-17:00)
- the consultative ballot will launch on Tuesday 12 November and close on Tuesday 3 December (17:00)
- the ballot is being administered by the independent election scrutineer Civica Election Services, so members should look out for an email containing their unique link to vote from Civica
- click here for more information including reports from HE officers and the negotiators
- click here for a list of HE branches that will be included in the consultation (this list corresponds to institutions that are involved in JNCHES negotiations 2024/25)
- click here for a detailed FAQ addressing practical issues such as timetable, eligibility, and requesting replacements
- publicity materials will be available to download here from Tuesday 12 November.
1 November 2024
The consultative ballot on the offer is being administered by the independent election scrutineer Civica Election Services and will launch on Tuesday 12 November. If you are a full HE member from a branch included in the consultation look out for further details.
4 October 2024
UCU's higher education committee (HEC) met on 27 September to consider UCEA's final offer and voted to reject the pay element of the offer and to accept the terms of reference relating to the pay spine review, workload, casualisation, and equality pay gaps. HEC also voted to launch a consultative ballot on the offer and further details about this will be made available in due course.
27 September 2024
A branch delegate meeting (BDM) took place on 24 September and you could see results of the voting here. The elected representatives on UCU's higher education committee (HEC) are meeting on 27 September to determine the next steps. We will share decisions made by HEC as soon as practicable.
16 September 2024
Negotiations on the 2024/25 pay claim have been concluded. UCU and the other campus unions have now received the final offer from the employers' association UCEA. A branch delegate meeting (BDM) will take place on Tuesday 24 September before the higher education committee (HEC) meets on Friday 27 September to determine the next steps. Click here for a fuller update from general secretary Jo Grady.
23 August 2024
UCEA and the five trade unions (EIS, GMB, UCU, UNISON and Unite) met in two dispute resolution meetings on Monday 19 August and Thursday 22 August. The following joint statement was issued:
HE Trade Unions and UCEA yesterday (22 August) completed the meetings under the New JNCHES Dispute Resolution Procedure for the pay negotiations of the 2024-25 negotiating round following two days of intense discussions.
UCEA has committed to write to the unions with its final offer in the week beginning 26 August. The Trade Unions will consider the Employers' offer and both Parties will then discuss next steps.
10 July 2024
UCU held a branch delegate meeting (BDM) on Tuesday 2 July to feed back members' views to inform the deliberation of the UCU higher education committee (HEC) who met on Friday 5 July to consider the offer from UCEA. You can find the results of the BDM here.
On Friday 5 July, HEC voted to reject the current offer and trigger dispute resolution meetings in order to improve upon the offer. HEC also resolved to build a campaign for industrial action to win on pay, workload, casualisation and equality.
UCU will now look to enter the dispute resolution process with the employers' representatives. Click here for the full update from UCU general secretary Jo Grady.
4 July 2024
The employers' association UCEA sent UCU its 'full and final offer for the 2024-25 New JNCHES pay round' yesterday, 3 July 2024.
UCU's higher education committee meets on Friday 5 July 2024 to consider the offer and a further update will be provided.
7 June 2024
UCU's HE pay negotiators, alongside the other HE unions, have been meeting with the employers' association UCEA over the past few weeks to try and reach agreement on the 2024-25 pay settlement, however no final offer has yet been made. UCU's Higher Education Committee will be meeting on 10 June to discuss the latest proposals and next steps will be determined after further consultation with the other unions.
17 May 2024
Ahead of further talks with the employers, a Special HE Sector Conference today voted that the higher education committee should develop an industrial action strategy for the 2024-25 academic year: Higher education pay and working conditions negotiations update
15 April 2024
Click here for the full 2024-25 claim that has been submitted by the five HE trade unions (UNISON, Unite, EIS, GMB and UCU).
22 March 2024
The higher education joint trade union claim for 2024-25 has been agreed by the five HE trade unions (UNISON, Unite, EIS, GMB and UCU); see below for the heads of claim. For additional context please read this update for HE members.
Heads of claim
We are seeking the restoration of our members' lost pay. Below inflation pay rises over the past decade have resulted in members' losing up to 30% of the value of their pay.
- We demand:
- an increase on all pay points of at least RPI + 2% or a flat rate of at least £2,500 (whichever is greater) and a commitment to restore lost pay.
- Equivalent rises to London Weighting and any other allowances
- A new minimum pay rate of £15 an hour.
- All institutions to become Foundation Living Wage employers and pay points below the FLW to be deleted.
- UCEA should commit to a comprehensive reform of the pay spine.
- On the pay-related elements from 2023-24: progression and resolution of those issues covered by the terms of reference, including joint agreements on workload, contract types, pay spine reform, and agreeing specific actions to tackle the gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps to be implemented at institutional level, and implementation of actions that arise from that work.
- Joint reference to the New JNCHES Pension Forum of issues arising from gender inequalities in pension contributions
- Negotiations to agree specific actions to move all staff onto a 35-hour week, with no loss in pay, to be implemented at institutional level
- A national Green New Deal Agreement on a Just Transition for the sector which will include a Just Transition Commission in Higher Education
- UCEA to commit to the protection of national agreements relating to terms and conditions of employment including the Post-92 national contract and HE2000.
- To establish the Scottish sub-committee of New JNCHES as set out under the New JNCHES agreement.
Institutions/branches involved
Click here for a list of institutions/UCU branches that are included in the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) for 2024-25.
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