Conference archive
Information from UCU annual conferences from the past five years, including the main Congress meeting and specially called sector conferences
See also: UCU Scotland Congress and UCU Wales Congress
Special HESC - September 2021: USS and pay disputes
Special higher education sector conference: HE dispute(s), including New JNCHES, USS, TPS, and any possible links between them - 9 September 2021
UCU Congress 2022
Information about UCU Congress 2022: Wednesday 1 - Friday 3 June
UCU Congress 2021
Information about UCU Congress 2021 scheduled to take place online on Saturday 29 May, Monday 31 May & Wednesday 2 June 2021.
Interim FESC: December 2020
A further education sector conference took place on Saturday 12 December, to deal with the FE sector conference business that would have been taken at the cancelled interim online Congress and sector conferences 28-30 October 2020.
Interim HESC: December 2020
A higher education sector conference took place online on Tuesday 15 December, to deal with the HE sector conference business that would have been taken at the cancelled interim online Congress and sector conferences 28-30 October 2020.
Special HESC - September 2020: attack on jobs, pay and conditions
A on line special HE sector conference
Special HESC - December 2019: USS dispute
HE special sector conference is to review the position and consider all actions available to UCU to defend USS to be held on 6 December in Manchester.
UCU Congress 2020
An online interim Congress will take place on Saturday 13 February and Tuesday 16 February 2021, to deal with the Congress business that would have been taken at the cancelled interim online Congress 28-30 October 2020
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