UCU Congress 2022
25 June 2021
Information about UCU Congress 2022: Wednesday 1 - Friday 3 June
Dependants' allowance (including childcare)
Congress business committee: nominations
Timetable of business
Congress will be held online, on Wednesday 1 June, Thursday 2 June & Friday 3 June 2022.
In addition to the lunch breaks shown, addition short breaks in each hour will be called by the chair, in all conferences.
Wednesday 1 June, 10:00-16:00: Congress
10:00: Welcome and opening business, including:
Welcome from Vicky Blake, UCU president
How business will be conducted, including voting
Report of the Congress business committee
Adoption of minutes of Congress 29 and 31 May 2021 (UCU/2039)
Address by Dr Jo Grady, general secretary
Business of the strategy and finance committee to be taken in open session (section 1, motions 1-5)
Business of the strategy and finance committee to be taken in private session (section 2, 6-19)
12:30-13:30: Lunch break
16:00: Close of first day of Congress
Thursday 2 June: sector conferences
Further education sector conference, 10:00-16:00
10:00: Opening business, including:
Welcome from Janet Farrar, UCU president elect
How business will be conducted, including voting
Report of the Congress business committee
Adoption of minutes of FE sector conference 2 June 2021 (UCU/2038)
Update from Jon Hegerty, Head of bargaining, organising, campaigns and education
12:30-13:30: Lunch break
13:30: Debate of motions continued (FE1-FE14)
Following the completion of the debate of motions:
Non-resolutionary session: Organising to win in FE
15:55: Closing business
16:00: Close of FE sector conference
Higher education sector conference, 10:00-16:00
10:00: Opening business, including:
Welcome from Justine Mercer, UCU vice president
How business will be conducted, including voting
Report of the Congress business committee
Adoption of minutes of HE sector conference 2 June 2021 (UCU/2037)
Adoption of minutes of special HE sector conference 9 September 2021 (UCU/2036)
Update from Paul Bridge, Head of higher education
Debate of motions (HE1-HE13) to be taken in private session
Debate of motions (HE14-HE28) to be taken in open session.
12:30-13:30: Lunch break
13:30: Debate of motions continued (HE14-HE28)
15:55: Closing business
16:00: Close of higher education sector conference 2022
Friday 3 June, Congress 10:00-16:00
10:00: Welcome and address from Vicky Blake, UCU President
Business of the equality committee (section 4, motions 32-45)
Business of the education committee (section 5, motions 46-51)
12:30-13:30: Lunch break
Rule changes to be taken in private session (section 6, motions 52-57)
Recruitment, organising and campaigning committee (section 7, motions 58-70)
15:55: Closing business
16:00: Close of Congress
Dependants' allowance (including childcare)
Congress delegates who needed childcare or other care for dependants in order to take part in this meeting may be able to back some of these costs as a dependants' allowance. Please contact Sue Bajwa for more information (and before any expenses are incurred).
Elections at Congress
Details about vacancies on the Appeal Panel, for FE negotiators for England, the FE ratification panel, the USS superannuation working group negotiators, and the HE UK negotiators can be found below.
- HE UK negotiators
- USS Superannuation Working Group negotiators
- FE ratification panel
- FE negotiators for England
- Appeal Panel (conduct of members)
Congress business committee: nominations
Nominations were sought for the following vacancies:
- two higher education members of the Congress Business Committee
- two further education members of the Congress Business Committee
The term of office is from the close of the online annual Congress and sector conference meetings 2022 until the close of Congress 2024.
Delegate entitlements
Branches are entitled to one delegate per 400 members or part thereof Delegate entitlements.
Institutions with under 100 members must enter into the aggregation process. You can find out more about this process from your regional office or from Sue Bajwa in the first instance.
Related documents
- Original text of composited motions (UCU2040A)
- Amendment to Congress agenda (motion 38) (UCU2040B)
Third report of the Congress business committee (UCU2040c) [146kb]
Acronyms and abbreviations used in motions and the NEC report to Congress [55kb]
Congress minutes 2021 (UCU2039)
FE pay report to FESC (UCUBANFE22)
FE sector minutes 2021 (UCU2038)
Superannuation working group report on USS to HESC (UCUBANHE80)
National negotiators' report to HESC (UCUBANHE81)
HE sector minutes 2021 (UCU2037)
Special HE sector minutes September 2021 (UCU2039)
HE UK negotiators (call for nominations) (UCU2033)
USS Superannuation Working Group negotiators (call for nominations) (UCU2032)
FE ratification panel (call for nominations) (UCU2031)
FE negotiators for England (call for nominations) (UCU2030)
Appeal Panel (conduct of members) (call for nominations) (UCU2029)
Motion to HE sector conference, 2 June (UCU2026)
First report of the Congress business committee (UCU2025)
Full text of composited Congress motions (UCU2025a)
NEC Report to Congress (UCU2024)
Subscription rates 2022-23 and ongoing review (UCU2023)
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