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UCU Congress 2024

UCU Congress 2024

20 August 2023

Information about UCU Congress 2024

Congress 2024 was held from Wednesday 29 - Friday 31 May 2024 at the Bournemouth International Centre.

See Congress business committee's second report for the  timetable and motions for debate at the 2024 Congress and Sector Conferences.  

The Congress calling notice can be downloaded here 

Order of business


Congress Business Committee

Elections at Congress


Sessions of Congress and the sector conferences are open sessions, unless marked otherwise

Wednesday 29 May, 09:30-18:00: Congress

09:30-10:15 Opening business, including:

  • Welcome and address from Justine Mercer, President
  • Appointment of tellers
  • Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
  • Adoption of minutes of Congress 27 - 29 May 2023 (UCU/2130)

10:15-11:30 Section 1: Business of the recruitment, organising and campaigning committee (motions 1-9)

11:30-12:15 Section 2: Business of the education committee (motions 10-15)

12:15-12:30 Address by Dr Jo Grady, UCU general secretary

12:30-14:00 Lunch and fringe meetings

14:00-18:00 Section 3: Business of the strategy and finance committee to be taken in open session (motions 16-37)

18:00 Close of first day of Congress business

Thursday 30 May, Sector conferences

Further education sector conference, 09:00-18:00

09:00-09:30 Opening business, including:

  • Appointment of tellers
  • Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
  • Adoption of minutes of FE sector conference 28 May 2023 (UCU/2132)
  • Adoption of the minutes of the special FE sector conference 13 April 2024 (UCU/2133)
  • Report from the head of further education, Paul Bridge

09:30-12:30 Debate of motions (FE1-FE22)

12:30-14:00 Lunch and fringe meetings

14:00-18:00 Debate of motions, continued (FE1-FE22)

18:00 Close of further education sector conference 2024

Higher education sector conference, 09:00-18:00

09:00-09:30 Opening business, including:

  • Appointment of tellers
  • Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
  • Adoption of minutes of HE sector conference 28 May 2023 (UCU/2126)
  • Report of the Head of Higher Education, Shahenda Suliman

09:30-12:30 Debate of motions (HE1-HE35)
Motions HE1-HE7 to be taken in private session.

12:30-14:00 Lunch and fringe meetings

14:00-18:00 Debate of motions, continued (motions HE15-HE35)
If motions HE15 has not already been reached, business will after lunch will begin at motion HE15.

18:00 Close of higher education sector conference 2024

Friday 31 May, 09:00-15:00: Congress

09:00-10:30 Section 4: Business of the equality committee (motions 38-49)

10:30-11:30 Section 5: Business of the strategy and finance committee to be taken in private session (finance) (motions 50-56)

11:30-12:00 Address by Husam Zomlot, Palestinian Ambassador

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Section 6: Rule changes to be taken in private session (motions 57-62)

14:00-14:45 Section 7: Business of the strategy and finance committee to be take in private session (motions 63-67)

15:00 Close of Congress 2024


Reasonable travel and subsistence expenses will be paid to cover costs necessarily incurred in attending Congress, including delegates' travel from work or home addresses within the UK, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. These expenses will be met centrally by UCU. Receipts must be submitted in respect of all expenses claimed, whether travel or subsistence. An expenses claim form specific to Congress will be made available to delegates.

Hotel accommodation for delegates will be paid for directly by UCU; other necessary subsistence costs (such as evening meals) will be reimbursed to delegates in accordance with the expense claim form.

Delegates are asked to minimise their expenses wherever possible, including booking advance travel tickets.


Nominations are sought for the following vacancies:

  • two higher education members of the Congress Business Committee
  • two further education members of the Congress Business Committee

Further details, including the nomination form, can be found here.

 Elections at Congress

Last updated: 3 June 2024