UCU Congress 2017
9 December 2016
Saturday 27 May - Monday 29 May 2017, Brighton.
Timetable of business
Saturday 27 May, 09:30-18:00: Congress
09:30-10:00 Opening business, including:
Welcome from Rob Goodfellow, President
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of Congress 1-3 June 2016
10:00-10:15 Address by Rob Goodfellow, President
10:15-12:45 Section 1: Business of the Strategy and Finance Committee to be taken in open session (motions 1-20)
12:45-14:00 Lunch and fringe meetings
14:00-14:15 Address by Sally Hunt, General Secretary
Private session
14:15-15:45 Section 2: Business of the Strategy and Finance Committee to be taken in private session (motions 21-30)
Section 3: rule changes to be taken in private session (motions 31-34)
Congress moves into open session
15:45-16:45 Debate of remaining motions from Section 1: Business of the Strategy and Finance Committee to be taken in open session (motions 1-20)
16:45-18:00 Section 4: Business of the Education Committee (motions 35-45)
18:00 Close of first day of Congress business
Solidarity with educators in Turkey: Video message from Mesut Firat, General Secretary, Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen) - Turkey to be included in this session.
Sunday 28 May, 09:00-18:00: Sector conferences
Higher education
09:00-9:30 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of HE sector conference 2 June 2016
9:30 Private session: Pay
Report on pay from Paul Bridge, Head of Higher Education
12:30-14:00 Lunch (12:30) and fringe meetings (13:00-14:00)
14:00-15:00 Private session: USS
15:00-18:00 Conference moves into open session
18:00 Close of HE sector conference 2017
Further education
09:00-9:30 Opening business, including:
Appointment of tellers
Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee
Adoption of minutes of FE sector conference 2 June 2016
9:30 Private session: Pay
Report on pay from Andrew Harden, Head of Further Education
Conference moves into open session.
12:30-14:00 Lunch (12:30) and fringe meetings (13:00-14:00)
14:00 Debate of remaining motions continues in open session.
18:00 Close of FE sector conference 2017
Monday 29 May, 09:00-15:00: Congress
09:00-11:00 Section 5: Business of the Equality Committee (motions 46-61)
11:00-12:00 Section 6: Business of the Recruitment, Organising and Campaigning Committee (motions 62-78)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Debate of remaining motions from section 6: Business of the Recruitment, Organising and Campaigning Committee (motions 62-78)
14:00-14:15 Address by Kate Allen, Director, Amnesty International UK
14:15-14:45 Debate of remaining motions from section 6: Business of the Recruitment, Organising and Campaigning Committee (motions 62-78)
14:45-15:00 Closing business, including
Election results
Closing remarks
15:00 Close of Congress 2017
UCUBANHE17 Superannuation working group report to HE sector conference 2017
UCUBANHE16 National negotiators' report to the higher education sector conference, May 2017
UCU799 UCU Congress, 27-29 May 2017: Agenda
UCU799.html | UCU799.rtf
UCU798 Distinguished service awards 2017
UCU798.html | UCU798.rtf
UCU797 Minutes of FE sector conference 2016
UCU797.html | UCU797.rtf
UCU796 Minutes of HE sector conference 2016
UCU796.html | UCU796.rtf
UCU795 UCU Minutes of Congress 1-3 June 2016
UCU795.html | UCU795.rtf
UCU794 Election of FE agreement ratification panel members - call for nominations
UCU794.html | UCU794.rtf
UCU793 Election of USS superannuation working group negotiators - call for nominations
UCU793.html | UCU793.rtf
UCU792 Election of HE national negotiators - call for nominations
UCU792.html | UCU792.rtf
UCU791 Election of FE negotiators for England - call for nominations
UCU791.html | UCU791.rtf
UCUBAN/FE8 Negotiating priorities during college mergers
UCU790 UCU Congress, 27-29 May 2017: Registration and Congress delegate expenses
UCU790.html | UCU790.rtf
UCU789 UCU Congress, 27-29 May 2017: First report of the Congress Business Committee, including motions submitted
UCU789.html | UCU789.rtf
UCU788 Budget
UCU788.html | UCU788.rtf
UCU787 Financial statements
UCU787.html | UCU787.rtf
UCU786 Appeal panel
UCU786.html | UCU786.rtf
UCU/789 First report of the Congress Business Committee
UCU789.html | UCU789.rtf
UCU/789a Original text of composited motions
UCU789a.html | UCU789a.rtf
UCU785 National Executive Committee report to UCU Congress 2017
UCU785.html | UCU785.rtf
UCU/774 Congress registration
UCU774.html | UCU774.rtf
UCU/773 Congress calling notice
UCU773.pdf | UCU773.rtf
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