UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
A report and guidance for higher education branches on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
Bargaining for better workloads in higher education in response to the Covid-19 pandemic: a UCU bargaining guide for branches, June 2020
A short guide for branches on building anti-racist workplaces
Guide to raise awareness about gender identity and to identify actions that employers can take, updated May 2020
Guide to raise awareness about gender identity and to identify actions that employers can take, updated May 2020
UCU branch guidance: bargaining to protect members during the Covid-19 crisis, March 2020
Guidance on how to respond to requests for educators to escort, supervise, search prisoners or sign prisoners into education, April 2020
This paper sets out guidance for the conduct of union business by branches and regions/devolved nations during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Equality briefing for members during the current coronavirus period (Word format)
Draft letter for members to send to managers regarding working from home concerns
UCU guidance on taking care of yourself during the Covid-19 crisis, March 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer on ceasing attendance to protect vulnerable people from Covid-19 in line with government advice, March 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer on ceasing attendance due to Covid-19 health and safety concerns, March 2020
Challenging discrimination - how to build an effective case: a toolkit for members, February 2020
Branch guide to removing members from an industrial action ballot electorate
UCU health and satfey gudance document on lone and mobile working in further education, Apr 2019
Guidance to help plan events for Holocaust Memorial Day 2020: 'stand together'
Guidance to help plan events for Holocaust Memorial Day 2020: 'stand together'
This adjustment passport is a live record of agreed adjustments to support you at work due to a health condition, impairment or disability
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