UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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PDF format UCU guidance on maternity rights for fixed term contracts and casually employed staff, May 15
Word format UCU guidance on maternity rights for fixed term contracts and casually employed staff, May 15
Classroom behaviour management presentation
Guidance on how to get involved in the parliamentary lobby for further education on 16 June
Guide for branches on effective campaigns against casual contracts, publshed June 2015
Information sheet on temperatures in the workplace
Questions that might help identify whether you have a potential equal pay claim or other discrimination claim
Questions that might help identify whether you have a potential equal pay claim or other discrimination claim
An equality bargaining pack for branches as an essential guide for local negotiations, published May 2016
An equality bargaining pack for branches as an essential guide for local negotiations, published May 2016
Guide to raise awareness about gender identity and to identify actions that employers can take, updated May 2020
Guide to raise awareness about gender identity and to identify actions that employers can take, updated May 2020
Equality guidance on working parent for UCU branches and reps, February 2018
Word version of UCU's briefing on the difference between safety reps and safety committees, published March 2016
PDF version of UCU's briefing on the difference between safety reps and safety committees, published March 2016
Section 2, the picture of caring, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
Section 1, introduction, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
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