UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU black history wall chart 2020
Large print version of the UCU black history wall chart 2020
Critical worker status in higher education in Wales - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
Updated Covid-19 guidance for branches, 8 January 2021
Example prison branch majority petition
Return to work and Health & Safety: note on the legal position in Wales
Covid-19: Returning to work and health & safety – a note for UCU branches on the legal position
Green New Deal: guidance on engaging with regional and local authorities on climate change, December 2020
UCU safety reps and equality reps briefing: 'long Covid', November 2020
Covid-19 hazards and controls: considerations for ongoing review of risk assessments in prison education
Guide for branches on using the press to help campaign for member health and safety
Covid-19 branch bargaining advice, September 2020
A brief history of key legislation underpinning LGBT+ rights and protections in the UK
A document with information about Pride
UK government funding announcements on higher education - UCU briefing, July 2020
Wales FE guidance for staff who are required to return to help prepare the college site for social distancing and safe working
A report and guidance for higher education branches in Scotland on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
A report and guidance for higher education branches on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
Bargaining for better workloads in higher education in response to the Covid-19 pandemic: a UCU bargaining guide for branches, June 2020
A short guide for branches on building anti-racist workplaces
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