UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU CSR 2007 submission section 03, published September 2006
London Economics report for UCU into the impact of student loan repayments on graduate taxation, published July 2017
UCU reponse to the Office for Students consultation on a new regulatory framework for HE in England, submitted December 2017
Critical worker status in higher education in England - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
UCU's response to the UK government's review into post-qualification admissions. May 2021
A response from UCU to the government review of post-18 education and funding
How admissions reform can address five big challenges for higher education, February 22
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on higher education policy and reform in England, May 2022
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement in England, May 2022
HEFCE single equality scheme - UCU response to consultation, Oct 06
Review of the teaching funding method: HEFCE second consultation, UCU submission, Apr 07
The future of quality assurance - review: UCU response, Mar 10
The future of quality assurance - review: UCU response, Mar 10
UCU response to the HEFCE REF consultation: 'Consultation on draft panel criteria and working methods', Oct 11
UCU response to the HEFCE consultation: 'Teaching funding and student number controls', Oct 11
Who will pay more under a graduate tax?, UCU report, Aug 2010
Estimate of tuition fees needed to replace proposed funding reductions, Dec 10
Estimate of tuition fees needed to replace proposed funding reductions, Dec 10
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