UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU evidence to The Policy Connect, 'Skills 2030' inquiry held during Autumn 2023, November 2023
Post-qualifications applications: how we can make it work, Prof. Graeme Atherton, April 2021
UCu report into the use of insecure contracts in English further education, published May 2017
2015 data on precarious contracts in further education, published April 2016
2017 data on precarious contracts in further education, published June 2017
2019- 2020 Freedom of Information request data on insecure contracts in further education
Report on precarious contracts in English further education, 2016
Professionalisation of the learning and skills sector: UCU response, Jun 06
UCU response to DfCS consultation 'promoting achievement, valuing success: a strategy for 14-19 qualifications', Jun 08
UCU Cymru reponse to the consultation 'Proposal for the registration of further education teachers with the Education Workforce Council'
UCU Cymru response to 'Proposals for learning and skills (Wales) measure 2008' consultation, Apr 08
UCU Cymru response to the consultation on 'Proposals for the disciplinary functions of the Education Workforce Council and a new code of professional conduct and…
UCU Cymru response to the DES consutation 'Proposed amendments to the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006', Feb 14
Proposed changes to FE college instruments and articles of governance, UCU response
Proposed changes to the FE college instruments and articles of governance: UCU response
UCU NI response to the public consultation on zero hours contracts
Public good and a prosperous Wales - reflections on the PCET reforms for UCU Cymru: Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and Director of the Centre for Real-World…
Pursuing Excellence: an outline improvement strategy for the FE system, UCU response, Oct 06
Raising expectations: staying in education and training post-16, DFES Green Paper: UCU response, May 07
Raising standards, improving life chances: UCU FE branch briefing, Sep 06
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