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Acceptable student behaviour

22 October 2019

Joint trade union FE student behaviour survey report

Trade unions in Wales have experienced an increase in issues being reported by members within further education institutions (FE) relating to acceptable student behaviour.

In response to this trend the Wales joint trade union group agreed to undertake a survey with FE members in order to gather an evidence base on this important issue. The report below presents the findings of that survey which related to the period 2018-19.

It begins by providing an overview of the key research findings followed by a brief discussion of the evidence collated. It concludes by proposing some next steps and future actions that seek to address the issues identified which include:

  • providing FE institutions with a summary of the report to raise concerns
  • write to FE principals requesting copies of their institutional policies and procedures
  • submitting FOI request to FE institutions for statistics on student misbehaviour; and
  • undertaking additional research focussing upon gaps in our current research evidence base.

Wales trade union FE student behaviour report, Oct 19 [509kb]


Last updated: 22 October 2019