Pay and part-time hourly paid updates
19 January 2022
Discussions over the pay claim and the part-time hourly paid agreement were held at the Wales Negotiations Committee for Further Education on 13 January 2022.
On pay, the joint unions refused to separate out the annual pay uplift and the collective matters from our claim; however, this year we have only 'noted' the pay offer of 1.75% while discussions continue over the holiday issue and the support staff scale. This will mean colleges can make immediate arrangements for the pay increase to be paid before new national insurance contribution rates are introduced.
Read the full pay latest here.
It was clear from discussions over the part-time hourly paid contract that the sector is split, with some colleges already adhering to the changes we are requesting be made to the national agreement on the employment of part-time hourly paid lecturing staff. ColegauCymru are undertaking a review but refuse to share any details. The joint trade unions will hold further discussions with a view to developing a plan of action.
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