2008 events
Information about events organised or supported by UCU which were held in 2008.
Tackling bullying - a UCU conference
UCU held a national conference on tackling bullying and harassment in the tertiary education workplace on 27 November in London
Stamp Out Casual Contracts - launch event
The aim of the 'Stamp Out Casual Contracts' campaign is to challenge casualisation in further and higher education.
Conference: Intellect and democracy
Consulting and planning for the future of Scotland's universities
Challenging the market in education
'Challenging the market in education' was a major conference held in May 2008 for union activists, MPs, councillors, journalists and anyone interested in the impact of marketisation on education.
Health educators' conference
UCU is working closely with our colleagues within the health unions with whom we have joint membership arrangements.
Speaking tour by Palestinian academics
Following a decision by UCU Congress 2007, a delegation from Palestine was invited to a undertake a speaking tour of UK universities and colleges.
World Teachers' Day
World Teachers' Day provides the opportunity to draw public attention to the important role of teachers within society.
International Day Against Homophobia
LGB Rights in Europe
UCU-Endsleigh Life Changers' Awards
The 2008 Life Changers' Awards took place on Wednesday 14 May to celebrate the amazing work, courage and life changing achievements of university staff and students.
National march and parade against fascism and racism
London, Saturday 21 June 2008
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