Challenging the market in education
29 February 2008
'Challenging the market in education' was a major conference held in May 2008 for union activists, MPs, councillors, journalists and anyone interested in the impact of marketisation on education.
We hope this conference will be a significant step in developing the unions' and activists response to the encroachment of the market and of privatisation in education.
- Professor Dexter Whitfield, European Services Strategy Unit
- Professor Ken Spours, Institute of Education
- Professor Roger Seifert, University of Keele
- Sally Hunt, general secretary, UCU
- Christine Blower, deputy general secretary, NUT
The conference also featured workshops led by activists on:
- resisting city academies
- the marketisation and privatisation of higher education
- the skills agenda, Train2Gain and private providers
- building grassroots responses and organising around marketisation
- using the political process to challenge the market
- defending quality and advancing an alternative vision of education.
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