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Standing orders for regional committees

Standing orders for UCU regional committees.


Approved 24 May 2015

1. The name of the committee is the [insert name of region] Regional Committee of the UCU.  It shall meet in full committee and as Further Education and Higher Education Sector committees, as appropriate.

2. The terms of reference of the Committee are:

  1. to foster closer contact between members of the [insert name of region] in Further Education and Higher Education institutions in the region;
  2. to coordinate discussion and activity between branches/local associations, in particular on industrial relations matters;
  3. to assist branches/local associations where assistance is invited and appropriate; including the co-ordination of campaigning, organising and recruitment work, and the promotion of the Union's policies on equalities;
  4. to circulate information dealing with matters of common interest to institutions in the region;
  5. if it sees fit, to establish a Regional Executive Committee to comprise elected Officers of the Regional Committee and any NEC members from institutions in the region;
  6. to send delegates and motions to Regional TUCs and other appropriate regional bodies;
  7. to draw to the attention of and place in front of as appropriate the General Secretary and the national executive committee, matters relevant to the work of the Committee;
  8. to spend monies on the above activities under procedures determined by the national executive committee.

3. The responsibilities of the Committee will in no way supplant those of branches/local associations, the national executive committee and its sub-committees regarding consultation and negotiation with individual institutions.  The Committee shall be supported as appropriate by full-time officials.

4. The Committee shall comprise one member per 100 UCU members or part thereof, from each institution within the Committee's remit.  In addition, members of the national executive committee who are also members in institutions allocated by the national executive committee to the geographical area within the Committee's remit may attend Committee meetings.  Members of the national executive committee may not hold office or vote on any issue within the Committee's remit, unless they have been nominated as a representative to the Committee by their branch/local association. Where a properly nominated representative is unable to attend, a branch/local association may send an alternate if so agreed by the branch committee or otherwise as specified in a branch's local rules. Where regions have retired members' branches, these will be deemed to be 'institutions' for the purposes of this standing order. Institutions entitled to only one representative may send an additional non-voting observer.

5. A minimum of three meetings will take place annually.  One Ordinary Meeting of the Committee will take place within the months of September to December and one within the months of January to March of each year.  One Annual General Meeting will be held within the months of April to July of each year.  Not less than fourteen days' notice will be given of each meeting.

6. The quorum for meetings of the Regional Committee shall be attendance by members from five different institutions. For meetings of the region's sector committees, the quorum shall be attendance by members from three different institutions. In both cases, officers of the Committee shall not be included for the purpose of counting the quorum.

7. The Officers of the Committee will be the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Treasurer, the Secretary and the Chairs and Secretaries of the sector committees, and for each sector, a representative of members on casual contracts, together with such other Officers as may be deemed necessary.  These posts shall be elected by an Annual General Meeting each year for a period of one year.  Officers shall be eligible for re-election.  In the event of an office becoming vacant between Annual General Meetings, Officers may be elected at Ordinary Meetings.

8.  Nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be forwarded in writing to the Secretary at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting.  Nominations must be proposed and seconded by members of the Committee (separate letters or e-mails from the proposer and seconder will be accepted).  If no nominations for a post are received within this timescale, then nominations shall be invited at the Annual General Meeting.  Such nominations must be proposed and seconded by members of the Committee present at the meeting. As far as practicable, elections shall be conducted in line with the procedures contained in the model branch/local association rules, and any issues of procedure shall be referred to the NEC for determination. In any case, the procedure will provide for the conduct of a secret ballot.

9. Regional committees are funded under procedures determined from time to time by the national executive committee.

The committee may only authorise expenditure in pursuance of their remit as set out in paragraph 2 above. No funds of the Committee may be spent on the furtherance of political objects as defined in the national rules, in accordance with advice issued by the honorary treasurer and UCU finance office.

The Committee shall not donate or affiliate to national organisations or events but may pass motions requesting the national union to do so.

In the event of:

  1. a sustained increase in delegate attendance
  2. an unanticipated increase in travel or organisational costs
  3. an exceptional item of expenditure which the committee wishes to consider and which is in accordance with the Committee's remit

The regional treasurer may apply on behalf of the Regional Committee to the President and Honorary Treasurer for specific additional funds, setting out clearly the scope of the request and, if made under (c) above, how the request has been agreed by the Regional Committee. No commitment to additional expenditure will be made by the Committee until and unless the request is approved.

10.  The Committee will adopt these Standing Orders, and may vary them subject to approval by the national executive committee.